Microsoft Dynamics GP Statement Emailing “Path for the E-mail Status Report is not set up…” Error

Microsoft Dynamics GPI worked on a Microsoft Dynamics GP upgrade project recently for a client who uses the old Adobe statement process. I am not all that familiar with this as most clients are now using the On Blank Paper statement and the standard emailing functionality. Once the upgrade was complete and we were doing some basic testing we encountered an error when trying to email the statements:

E-mail Status Report error

Microsoft Dynamics GP

Path for the E-mail Status Report is not set up. Statements will not be e-mailed.

I did some digging around and found there is a path stored in the Dex.ini file for the e-mail status report:

EmailStatusPath=\\fileserver\Dynamics Central\EmailStatus\

This can be set through the client, but with a number of clients to update it was quicker to do by adding the line to the Dex.ini file.

Multiple Errors in Microsoft Dynamics GP

Microsoft Dynamics GPI received an urgent call from a client early one morning a short time ago. All users logging into Microsoft Dynamics GP were receiving multiple errors across the system rendering it unusable.

The first reported error was displayed on login and encountered by all users:

ReportSchedule error

...clear table ReportSchedule...

Continue reading “Multiple Errors in Microsoft Dynamics GP”

Error Binding SSL Certificate for Securing Web Services for Microsoft Dynamics GP

Microsoft Dynamics GPI recently helped a client secure the connection for the Web Services for Microsoft Dynamics GP. I sent over the prerequisites for ports, certificates and so on in advance.

When I came to binding the certificate I received an error (which I have seen before):

SSL binding error message

SSL Certificate add failed, Error: 1312
A specified logon session does not exist. It may already have been terminated.

In the previous post, the issue was that the certificate had been installed in the WebHosting store instead of the Personal one, so I checked this first. The certificate was in the correct store so it was not the same issue.

I did some investigation and eventually found that when I tried to export the certificate, I didn’t have an option to export the private key:

Certificate Export Store screen showing the export options

The certificate can be exported with the private key if the private key was imported originally, and the private key needs to be present for the certificate to be bound. The solution was to delete the certificate and reimport with the private key.

Change Web Services for Microsoft Dynamics GP Web Server Location In All Companies

Microsoft Dynamics GPIn the last post, I posted a script to find which Microsoft Dynamics GP company databases had web services enabled. Todays script is a related one; it can be used to change the web services server location in all companies.

This script was created so once a live system was copied to a standalone test system, the web services server can easily be updated to the test server.

The highlighted section is the new server location which should be set:

Created by Ian Grieve of azurecurve | Ramblings of an IT Professional ( This code is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Int). */
DECLARE @SQL NVARCHAR(MAX) SET @SQL = STUFF(( SELECT CHAR(13) + 'UPDATE WF SET Web_Service_Server = '''' FROM ' + INTERID + '.dbo.WF00100 AS WF' FROM DYNAMICS.dbo.SY01500 FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE).value('.', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)'), 1, 1, '') EXEC sys.sp_executesql @SQL

Find Microsoft Dynamics GP Databases With Workflow Email Actions Enabled

Microsoft Dynamics GPI was doing an upgrade for a client the other day and ran some scripts to remove the web services SQL objects as part of the upgrade (I always find that an upgrade of the Web Services for Microsoft Dynamics GP doesn’t work very well, so it’s a quicker and better option to remove and reinstall.

As part of the reinstall I needed to deploy them to the companies to which they had previously been deployed; I wasn’t sure which companies this was, but I did know that the client had web services for workflow actions enabled in all of them. The script below was my way of finding which databases had the email actions enabled.

The script will is run against the system database and will select from all company databases returning the INTERID and web services server field.

Created by Ian Grieve of azurecurve | Ramblings of an IT Professional ( This code is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Int). */
DECLARE @SQL NVARCHAR(MAX) SET @SQL = STUFF(( SELECT CHAR(13) + 'SELECT ''' + INTERID + ''' AS INTERID, Web_Service_Server FROM ' + INTERID + '.dbo.WF00100 AS WF WHERE EnableWFNotifService = 1' FROM DYNAMICS.dbo.SY01500 FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE).value('.', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)'), 1, 1, '') EXEC sys.sp_executesql @SQL

Recent ISC Software Webinar: What’s New in Microsoft Dynamics GP Fall 2021 Release​

ISC Software SolutionsIn our most recent webinar, we took a look at SmartList Tips And Tricks. In this webinar, we took a look at how you can get the most out of the Microsoft Dynamics GP SmartList reporting tool. If you want to catch up on this, or any other, webinar, you can do so here.

What's New in Microsoft Dynamics GP Fall 2021 Release

  1. Introduction
  2. Roadmap
  3. Upgrade Process
  4. New functionality
  5. Conclusion

Continue reading “Recent ISC Software Webinar: What’s New in Microsoft Dynamics GP Fall 2021 Release​”

Hands On with Microsoft Dynamics GP Fall 2021 Release: Install eConnect Server

Microsoft Dynamics GPThis post is part of the Hands On with Microsoft Dynamics GP Fall 2021 Release series where I am going to go hands on with installing the Microsoft Dynamics GP Fall 2021 Release and associated products.

Earlier in the series, I installed eConnect on a client; the initial install on the server is the same for when you want to use eConnect in message queuing mode, except there are then three steps of configuration which need to be performed.

As the configuration required hasn’t changed, I’m going to link back to the three posts I did when Dynamics GP 2018 RTM was released:

  1. Configure eConnect Service
  2. Configure eConnect Incoming Queue
  3. Set eConnect Incoming Queue Permissions

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Hands On with Microsoft Dynamics GP Fall 2021 Release: Install OData Service

Microsoft Dynamics GPThis post is part of the Hands On with Microsoft Dynamics GP Fall 2021 Release series where I am going to go hands on with installing the Microsoft Dynamics GP Fall 2021 Release and associated products.

An OData service is one of the additional products available with Microsoft Dynamics GP; it allows for reporting services such as PowerBI to connect to Microsoft Dynamics GP. I don’t have many clients who use OData so I am just linking back to a previous post on how to install the OData Service.

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Hands On with Microsoft Dynamics GP Fall 2021 Release: Verify Web Services

Microsoft Dynamics GPThis post is part of the Hands On with Microsoft Dynamics GP Fall 2021 Release series where I am going to go hands on with installing the Microsoft Dynamics GP Fall 2021 Release and associated products.

With the web services installed and configured, we now need to verify that they are working correctly. There are several steps to this verification.

Firstly, launch the DynamicsSecurityConsole from the Windows Start menu; click Select Applications on the Actions pane on the right:


Continue reading “Hands On with Microsoft Dynamics GP Fall 2021 Release: Verify Web Services”

Hands On with Microsoft Dynamics GP Fall 2021 Release: Configure Web Services

Microsoft Dynamics GPThis post is part of the Hands On with Microsoft Dynamics GP Fall 2021 Release series where I am going to go hands on with installing the Microsoft Dynamics GP Fall 2021 Release and associated products.

With the Web Services for Microsoft Dynamics GP installed, we can now configure them. If you marked the checkbox on the last step of the installer, the wizard will already be open, otherwise you can launch the Web Services Configuration Wizard from the Windows Start menu.

On the Welcome step, click Next:

Welcome step of the web services configuration wizard

Continue reading “Hands On with Microsoft Dynamics GP Fall 2021 Release: Configure Web Services”