In Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central, how do I… Create a Company

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business CentralThis post is part of the In Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central, how do I… series which I am posting as I familiarise myself with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.

In an earlier post, I thought it important to clarify terminology around companies and environments in Dynamics BC. In a later post, I will show how to create a new environment, but in this one I am going to focus on creating a new company.

When we signed up for a free trial of Dynamics BC, an environment was created which contained the Cronus tst company and a second company called My Company which could be used for a live company, but I’d prefer to start from scratch so I know exactly what has been done.

So, I want to create a new company. Do this by clicking the “Tell me what you want to do” magnifying glass in the top right and type companies; under Go to Pages and Tasks, select Companies:

Tell me what you want to do lookup

Continue reading “In Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central, how do I… Create a Company”

SQL View to Return Purchasing Status for the GP Elementz PO Management Module for Microsoft Dynamics GP

Microsoft Dynamics GPWhile it isn’t listed on the GP Elementz website, there is a module available called PO Management which replaces the standard POP/SOP link in Microsoft Dynamics GP. The standard functionality requires that all of a sales order line where there is a commitment to a PO must be fulfilled before that line can be invoiced; the PO Management module allows partial invoicing of a line committed to a PO.

After implementing the module for a client, they required a report showing the status of a SO line in terms of whether there was stock, if the SO line had been committed to a PO and if the line had been partially or fully received. As the PO Management module stores it data in a custom table, I had to create a SQL view pulling the relevant tables together to determine the status.

-- drop view if it exists
-- create view
Created by Ian Grieve of azurecurve | Ramblings of an IT Professional ( This code is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Int). */
SELECT ['Sales Transaction Amounts Work'].SOPNUMBE ,['Sales Transaction Amounts Work'].SOPTYPE ,['Sales Transaction Amounts Work'].LNITMSEQ ,['Sales Transaction Amounts Work'].ITEMNMBR ,CASE WHEN ['Sales Transaction Amounts Work'].SOPTYPE NOT IN (2,6) THEN '' WHEN ['ISC Back to Back'].PONUMBER IS NULL AND (['Sales Transaction Amounts Work'].QTYFULFI - ['Sales Transaction Amounts Work'].QTYCANCE) <[/sqlgrey] (['Item Quantity Master'].QTYONHND - ['Item Quantity Master'].ATYALLOC) -- AVAILABLE THEN 'Needs Purchase' WHEN ['Purchasing Receipt Line Quantities'].QTYSHPPD IS NULL OR ['Purchasing Receipt Line Quantities'].QTYSHPPD = 0 THEN 'Purchased' WHEN ['Purchasing Receipt Line Quantities'].QTYSHPPD < (['Purchase Order Line'].QTYORDER - ['Purchase Order Line'].QTYCANCE) THEN 'Partially Received' WHEN ['Purchasing Receipt Line Quantities'].QTYSHPPD >= (['Purchase Order Line'].QTYORDER - ['Purchase Order Line'].QTYCANCE) THEN 'Fully Received' ELSE 'None' END AS 'Purchasing Status' FROM SOP10200 AS ['Sales Transaction Amounts Work'] -- Sales Transaction Amounts Work (SOP10200) LEFT JOIN IV00102 AS ['Item Quantity Master'] -- Item Quantity Master (IV00102) ON ['Item Quantity Master'].ITEMNMBR = ['Sales Transaction Amounts Work'].ITEMNMBR AND ['Item Quantity Master'].LOCNCODE = ['Sales Transaction Amounts Work'].LOCNCODE LEFT JOIN ISC_BACK AS ['ISC Back to Back'] -- ISC_Back_to_Back (ISC_Back) ON ['ISC Back to Back'].SOPNUMBE = ['Sales Transaction Amounts Work'].SOPNUMBE AND ['ISC Back to Back'].SOPTYPE = ['Sales Transaction Amounts Work'].SOPTYPE AND ['ISC Back to Back'].CMPNTSEQ = ['Sales Transaction Amounts Work'].CMPNTSEQ AND ['ISC Back to Back'].LNITMSEQ = ['Sales Transaction Amounts Work'].LNITMSEQ LEFT JOIN POP10110 AS ['Purchase Order Line'] -- Purchase Order Line (POP10110) ON ['Purchase Order Line'].PONUMBER = ['ISC Back to Back'].PONUMBER AND ['Purchase Order Line'].ORD = ['ISC Back to Back'].ORD LEFT JOIN ( SELECT PONUMBER ,POLNENUM ,SUM(QTYINVCD) AS QTYSHPPD FROM POP10500 -- Purchasing Receipt Line Quantities (POP10500) GROUP BY PONUMBER ,POLNENUM ) AS ['Purchasing Receipt Line Quantities'] ON ['Purchasing Receipt Line Quantities'].PONUMBER = ['ISC Back to Back'].PONUMBER AND ['Purchasing Receipt Line Quantities'].POLNENUM = ['ISC Back to Back'].ORD GO GRANT SELECT ON uv_AZRCRV_POMStatus TO DYNGRP GO

In Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central, how do I… Get Access to the Microsoft 365 Admin Center

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business CentralThis post is part of the In Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central, how do I… series which I am posting as I familiarise myself with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.

When you sign up Dynamics BC you are also signing up to Microsoft 365 which comes with an Administration Center, some elements of which are used to maintain Dynamics BC. The Microsoft 365 Admin center is not available for use until you can prove you have ownership of the domain of the email with which you signed up to Dynamics BC.

Navigate to Admin Portal Home and log in if prompted. When asked if you are ready to be the admin for the domain, clikc the Next button:

Get admin access page

Continue reading “In Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central, how do I… Get Access to the Microsoft 365 Admin Center”

PowerShell Snippets: Run Application (Such as 7-zip)

PowerShellThis post is part of the series on PowerShell Snippets.

The following PowerShell command will execute a Windows application supplying a number of parameters; in this case I am using 7-zip to compress a single one of my ClassicPress plugins to a releases folder (part of this command came from a post I did on compressing all sub folders individually:

$releaseFileName = ".\Releases\$"

& "C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" a "-xr!.git\" "-xr!*~" $releaseFileName "*"

PowerShell Snippets: Delete File

PowerShellThis post is part of the series on PowerShell Snippets.

The following PowerShell command will check if the named file exists in the current directory and, if so, delete it (replace the highlighted section with the name of the file to be deleted):

$FileName = ""

if (Test-Path $FileName) {
  Remove-Item $FileName

Error Trying to Log Into On-Premise Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business CentralI’ve started working Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central for a short time now and have been using both the on-premise and cloud versions and have encountered my first uninformative error message.

I got used to these when working with Microsoft Dynamics GP, and especially the Integration Manager tool, but had hoped that Dynamics BC might have been better in this respect. I am a little late posting this as I’ve been working through a backlog of posts.

This particular error came up when I tried to log into the on-premise version of Dynamics BC:

Something went wrong error

Continue reading “Error Trying to Log Into On-Premise Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central”

In Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central, how do I… Sign Up For a Trial

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business CentralThis post is part of the In Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central, how do I… series which I am posting as I familiarise myself with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.

In this exploration of Dynamics BC, the first thing I need to do is sign up for a free trial in order to try it (I have installed an on premise test system, but want to try the full online experience).

To sign up for a Dynamics BC trial, navigate to the Microsoft Dynamics 365 365 Business Central home page and click the Try for free button in the top right corner of the page:

Business Central website landing page

Continue reading “In Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central, how do I… Sign Up For a Trial”

Custom Email Notification When PO Create from PR in Microsoft Dynamics GP

Microsoft Dynamics GPThe workflow module in Microsoft Dynamics GP can send quite a lot of different notification emails, but the one I am often asked for, an email notification when a purchase is created from a purchase requisition, does not exist.

After being asked a few times, I had a think about how this could be done and came up with a SQL trigger on the Purchasing Requisition History (POP30200) table which joins to the SOP_POPLink (SOP60100) table when a PO has been created. This is easily deployed and also easily customised by customers to meet their own needs by, for example, changing the content of the notification message.

The first highlighted section is the email address of the receipient, in the example below I am building the email using the requested by username concatenated with a email domain internal to my test VM; the second highlighted section is the name of the SQL Database Mail profile which will be used to send the email.

Created by Ian Grieve of azurecurve | Ramblings of an IT Professional ( This code is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Int). */
CREATE TRIGGER utr_AZRCRV_POP30200_PurchaseRequisition ON POP30200 AFTER INSERT AS DECLARE @EmailRecipient VARCHAR(100) DECLARE @EmailSubject VARCHAR(1000) DECLARE @EmailBody VARCHAR(MAX) DECLARE @PRFound BIT = 0 SELECT @EmailRecipient = RTRIM(['Purchase Requisition Work'].REQSTDBY) + '@azurecurve.isc' ,@EmailSubject = 'Purchase Order ' + RTRIM(CAST(['SOP_POP Link'].PONUMBER AS VARCHAR(100))) + ' has been created' ,@EmailBody = 'Purchase Order ' + RTRIM(CAST(['SOP_POP Link'].PONUMBER AS VARCHAR(100))) + ' has been created from purchase requisition ' + RTRIM(CAST(['Purchase Requisition Work'].POPRequisitionNumber AS VARCHAR(100))) ,@PRFound = 1 FROM inserted AS ['Purchase Requisition Work'] INNER JOIN SOP60100 AS ['SOP_POP Link'] -- SOP_POPLink (SOP60100) ON ['SOP_POP Link'].SOPNUMBE = ['Purchase Requisition Work'].POPRequisitionNumber /* send email using database mail */ IF (SELECT @PRFound) = 1 BEGIN EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail @profile_name = 'MDGP Workflow' ,@recipients = @EmailRecipient ,@subject = @EmailSubject ,@body = @EmailBody ,@body_format ='HTML' END GO

In Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central (Administration), how do I… Series Index

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business CentralI have recently started working with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central and have decided to blog about it as I learn; I’ve started a In Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central, how do I… series which will include everything, but have also decided to break that down into a set of smaller series on specific areas of Dynamics BC.

This is the series index for the Administration related posts I will be writing. The series index, below, will automatically update as each post in the series goes live so make sure you bookmark this post so you can see keep up-to-date with my journey into Business Central.

Continue reading “In Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central (Administration), how do I… Series Index”

SQL View to Extract Accruals from Microsoft Dynamics GP Payables Management Module (Without Joins to RED)

Microsoft Dynamics GPBack in January 2021 I posted an article which included a SQL view to return accruals from the Payables Management module of Microsoft Dynamics GP. What I forgot at the time was that view included joins into the Revenue/Expense Deferral module which is not part of the standard installation.

I’ve been asked a few times since for aversion which didn;t include the RED joins as a system without this module installed with throw errors. I’ve given the updated script out a few times and have finally got around to posting it here; I’ll add a link to the original article pointing to this one.

The view below can be added to a SQL database and then used in SmartList Designer, SmartList Builder or other reporting tools such as refreshable Excel reports.

The highlighted section is the name of the accrual account which should be used; you may want to hard code this to your accrual account, change the description to the name of your accrual account or change the logic of hw the accrual acount is selected.

IF OBJECT_ID (N'uv_ISC_PayablesAccruals', N'V') IS NOT NULL
    DROP VIEW uv_ISC_PayablesAccruals

CREATE VIEW uv_ISC_PayablesAccruals AS
Created by Ian Grieve of azurecurve | Ramblings of an IT Professional ( This code is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Int). */
SELECT * FROM (SELECT 'PAC ' + FORMAT(DATEADD(month,-1,GETDATE()), 'yyyyMM') AS 'Accruals Batch Number' ,FORMAT(EOMONTH(DATEADD(month,-1,GETDATE())), 'dd/MM/yyyy') AS 'Transaction Date' ,FORMAT(DATEADD(day, 1, EOMONTH(DATEADD(month,-1,GETDATE()))), 'dd/MM/yyyy') AS 'Reverse Date' ,'Purchase Accruals ' + FORMAT(DATEADD(month,-1,GETDATE()), 'MM/yyyy') AS 'Reference' ,GL00105.ACTNUMST AS 'Account' ,CASE WHEN DOCTYPE = 1 THEN SUM(PM10100.DEBITAMT) ELSE 0 END AS 'Debit' ,CASE WHEN DOCTYPE = 1 THEN 0 ELSE SUM(PM10100.CRDTAMNT) END AS 'Credit' ,LEFT(RTRIM(CAST(PM10100.VCHRNMBR AS VARCHAR(15))) + ' ' + PM10100.DistRef, 30) AS 'Description' ,PM10100.VCHRNMBR AS 'Voucher Number' ,PM10000.BACHNUMB AS 'Batch Number' ,PM10000.TRXDSCRN AS 'Document Description' ,PM10000.DOCNUMBR AS 'Document Number' ,PM10000.PORDNMBR AS 'PO Number' ,PM10100.DistRef AS 'Distribution Reference' FROM PM10000 AS PM10000 --PM Transaction WORK File (PM10000) INNER JOIN PM10100 AS PM10100 --PM Distribution WORK OPEN (PM10100) on PM10100.CNTRLTYP = PM10000.CNTRLTYP AND PM10100.VCHRNMBR = PM10000.VCHRNMBR INNER JOIN GL00105 AS GL00105 --Account Index Master (GL00105) on GL00105.ACTINDX = PM10100.DSTINDX WHERE PM10000.BCHSOURC = 'PM_Trxent' --Include only normal transactions AND PM10000.DOCTYPE = 1 --Include only Invoices AND PM10100.DISTTYPE = 6 --Include only Purchases Distribution GROUP BY GL00105.ACTNUMST ,PM10000.DOCTYPE ,PM10100.DistRef ,PM10100.VCHRNMBR ,PM10000.BACHNUMB ,PM10000.TRXDSCRN ,PM10000.DOCNUMBR ,PM10000.PORDNMBR UNION ALL SELECT 'PAC ' + FORMAT(DATEADD(month,-1,GETDATE()), 'yyyyMM') AS 'Accruals Batch Number' ,FORMAT(EOMONTH(DATEADD(month,-1,GETDATE())), 'dd/MM/yyyy') AS 'Transaction Date' ,FORMAT(DATEADD(day, 1, EOMONTH(DATEADD(month,-1,GETDATE()))), 'dd/MM/yyyy') AS 'Reverse Date' ,'Purchase Accruals ' + FORMAT(DATEADD(month,-1,GETDATE()),'MM/yyyy') AS 'Reference' ,GL00105.ACTNUMST AS 'Account' ,SUM(PM10100.CRDTAMNT) AS 'Debit' ,SUM(PM10100.DEBITAMT) AS 'Credit' ,'Accrued Purchases' AS 'Description' ,'' AS 'Voucher Number' ,'' AS 'Batch Number' ,'' AS 'Document Description' ,'' AS 'Document Number' ,'' AS 'PO Number' ,'' AS 'Distribution Reference' FROM PM10000 AS PM10000 --PM Transaction WORK File (PM10000) INNER JOIN PM10100 AS PM10100 --PM Distribution WORK OPEN (PM10100) on PM10100.CNTRLTYP = PM10000.CNTRLTYP AND PM10100.VCHRNMBR = PM10000.VCHRNMBR INNER JOIN GL00100 AS GL00100 --Breakdown Account Master (GL00100) on GL00100.ACTDESCR = 'Accrued Purchases' INNER JOIN GL00105 AS GL00105 --Account Index Master (GL00105) on GL00105.ACTINDX = GL00100.ACTINDX WHERE PM10000.BCHSOURC = 'PM_Trxent' --Include only normal transactions AND PM10000.DOCTYPE = 1 --Include only Invoices AND PM10100.DISTTYPE = 6 --Include only Purchases Distribution GROUP BY GL00105.ACTNUMST ,PM10000.DOCTYPE ) AS Accruals WHERE Accruals.Debit > 0 OR Accruals.Credit > 0 GO GRANT SELECT ON uv_ISC_PayablesAccruals TO DYNGRP GO