Internationalizing a ClassicPress plugin: Localizing a string

ClassicPress PluginsThis post is part of the sub-series on Internationalizing a ClassicPress plugin which is part of the Internationalizing a ClassicPress plugin series.

Over the previous posts I’ve discussed adding text domains and which functions are available to use, it’s time to look at a practical application.

To return a translated string we’d use the esc_html__ function with the string which can be localized as the first parameter and the text domain as the second:

$str = esc_html__('This is the string to translate', 'plugin-text-domain');

If we wanted to echo the translated string rather than return it, we’d use the esc_html_e function:

esc_html_e('This is the string to translate', 'plugin-text-domain');

Translating a ClassicPress plugin

Translating a ClassicPress plugin
What is Internationalization and Localization?
Why is Internationalization and Localization important?
When should a plugin be internationalized?
Internationalizing a ClassicPress plugin: How does internationalization work?
Internationalizing a ClassicPress plugin: What is a Text Domain and how is it specified?
Internationalizing a ClassicPress plugin: Localization functions
Internationalizing a ClassicPress plugin: Which localization functions to use?
Internationalizing a ClassicPress plugin: Localizing a string
Internationalizing a ClassicPress plugin: Don't paramaterize your text domain
Internationalizing a ClassicPress plugin: Localizing a string containing a parameter
Internationalizing a ClassicPress plugin: Localizing a string including plurals
Internationalizing a ClassicPress plugin: Localizing a string including notes for the translator
Internationalizing a ClassicPress plugin: Don't include HTML markup in localization
Internationalizing a ClassicPress plugin: Don't localize URLs
Internationalizing a ClassicPress plugin: Localizing a string including line breaks
Internationalizing a ClassicPress plugin: Load plugin translations
Translating a ClassicPress plugin with Poedit: What is Poedit?
Translating a ClassicPress plugin with Poedit: Download Poedit
Translating a ClassicPress plugin with Poedit: Install Poedit
Translating a ClassicPress plugin with Poedit: Create New Translation Template
Translating a ClassicPress plugin with Poedit: Create Translations
Translating a ClassicPress plugin with GlotPress: What is GlotPress?
Translating a ClassicPress plugin with GlotPress: Download and install GlotPress
Translating a ClassicPress plugin with GlotPress: Creating administrators
Translating a ClassicPress plugin with GlotPress: Create a project
Translating a ClassicPress plugin with GlotPress: Import translation template
Translating a ClassicPress plugin with GlotPress: Import translations
Translating a ClassicPress plugin with GlotPress: Create new translation set
Translating a ClassicPress plugin with GlotPress: Export translations
Internationalizing a ClassicPress plugin
How does internationalization work?
What is a Text Domain and how is it specified?
Localization functions
Which localization functions to use?
Localizing a string
Don't paramaterize your text domain
Localizing a string containing a parameter
Localizing a string including plurals
Localizing a string including notes for the translator
Don't include HTML markup in localization
Don't localize URLs
Localizing a string including line breaks
Load plugin translations

MDGP October 2019 Release Feature of the Day: User Security Workflow

Microsoft Dynamics GPThe Inside Microsoft Dynamics GP blog has started a series Feature of the Day posts for Microsoft Dynamics GP “October 2019” Release on which I am following and adding commentary. The index for this series of posts is here.

The second Feature of the Day is another new User Security Workflow to complement the one covered in the previous post of this series.

In User Security, you can make changes to the access for a user, what security role they are assigned or what modified reports they can access. With User Security Approval workflow, you can require that these changes be submitted for review and approval. This workflow is available in Workflow Maintenance (Administration area page » Setup » Company » Workflow » Workflow Maintenance):

Workflow Maintenance window showing User Security approval workflow

Continue reading “MDGP October 2019 Release Feature of the Day: User Security Workflow”