New Functionality In Microsoft Power Automate 2023 Wave 2: Series Index

Power AutomateThis post is part of a series on the new functionality announced for Wave 2 of Microsoft Power Automate 2023. There are two release waves for Power Automate each year, with functionality being released over the six months of the wave.

In this series of posts, I am going to take a look at what is new with Power Automate in this release wave. My understanding is the announced new functionality will become available in the six months of the wave, so not all of it will be available immediately. When posting about some new functionality, I’ll try to indicate where something will be available in October or later. Microsoft do reserve the right to withdraw announced functionality before release; when this happens, I’ll try to publish an article on the removed functionality and update the original article I published to state it has been removed from that release wave.

This series index, below (assuming you’re reading this on ), will automatically update as each post in the series goes live, so make sure you bookmark this post so you can see keep up-to-date with this series.

Continue reading “New Functionality In Microsoft Power Automate 2023 Wave 2: Series Index”

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Table Reference Website Updated to Release 2023 Wave 2

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business CentralI have been building a azurecurve | Dynamics 365 BC Table Reference website which I started a while ago.

I have recently, over the last week or so, done some major updates to the site which includes adding the new tables and fields added in the latest release as well as adding more table joins, the option values and more information about the fields.

As always, this is an ongoing project, but hopefully people will find the site useful.

Any questions, comments or suggestions for improvement, please get in touch.

In Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central (Inventory and Warehouse Management), how do I… Process a Shipment from the Source Document

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business CentralThis post is part of the In Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central (Inventory and Warehouse Management), how do I… series and of the wider In Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central, how do I… series which I am posting as I familiarise myself with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.

In this article, I’m going to take a look at how shipments can be entered via the source document. Shipping goods in this way, is done when there is no specific requirement for warehouse processing. This is usually only used by companies operating smaller warehouses or stock rooms.

This configuration is not even part of the basic warehouse functionality as there is nothing on the location which needs to be configured.

When you ships items on a sales order in this default configuration, shipping is as simple as opening the Sales Order page and entering a the quantity of stock being shipped in the Qty. to Ship field; it will default to the remaining amount so you only need to change this if you are shipping less than the remaining amount.

Purchase Order page

Continue reading “In Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central (Inventory and Warehouse Management), how do I… Process a Shipment from the Source Document”