Notepad++ Find and Replace numbers in square brackets

Useful ApplicationsI was working with some text the other day which included a lot of references using numbers in square brackets; I needed to remove this text and wanted an easy way of doing it.

I did a little research and found that Notepad++, an application I already use, can do regular expression find and replace.

The regular expression for a number surrounded by square brackets is:


To use the regular expression in find and replace, enter the regular expression into the Find what box and change the Search Mode to Regular expression:

Regul;ar expression find and replace

When you hit Replace, or Replace All, the regular expression will be used to repalce the matching text with the supplied replacement value.

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1 thought on “Notepad++ Find and Replace numbers in square brackets

  1. JDspeeder1 says:

    Thank you, this regex did exactly what I needed in OpenOffice Writer.

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