SQL Scripts for Microsoft Dynamics GP: Script to Review GL Account Posting Type and Account Category

Microsoft Dynamics GPThis script is part of the SQL Scripts for Microsoft Dynamics GP where I will be posted the scripts I wrote against Microsoft Dynamics GP over the 19 years before I stopped working with Dynamics GP.

This script returns a list of GL accounts along with the Posting Type and Account Category; I think it was created as a way to quickly give a user a file to check the configuration.

Created by Ian Grieve of azurecurve | Ramblings of an IT Professional (http://www.azurecurve.co.uk) This code is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Int). */
SELECT GL5.ACTNUMST AS 'Account' ,GL1.ACTDESCR AS 'Description' ,CASE WHEN GL1.PSTNGTYP = 0 THEN 'Balance Sheet' ELSE 'Profit & Loss' END AS 'Posting Type' ,GL2.ACCATDSC AS 'Account Category' FROM GL00105 GL5 --Account Index Master (GL00105) INNER JOIN GL00100 GL1 --Breakdown Account Master (GL00100) ON GL1.ACTINDX = GL5.ACTINDX INNER JOIN GL00102 GL2 --Account Category Master (GL00102) ON GL2.ACCATNUM = GL1.ACCATNUM

In Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central (Administration), how do I… Use Card Pages

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business CentralThis post is part of the In Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central (Administration), how do I… series and of the wider In Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central, how do I… series which I am posting as I familiarise myself with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.

In an earlier article in this series, I introduced the different types of pages used within Dynamics BC. I thought it might be useful to give a run through of how to use each of the pages; in this post, I’m going to take a look at card pages.

Card pages are where you maintain “card” or “master” records such as vendors, customers, items, G/L accounts and similar types of record. Typically a card page is what opens from a list page when you click new or drill into a row.

Vendor card page showing vendor 20000 - First Up Consultants

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