How to Deactivate/Delete Your Twitter Account

Social Media iconIt seems there are a lot of people looking into deleting their Twitter accounts at the moment, or at least talking about doing so, because a very rich man backed by venture capitalists and hedge funds has replaced another very rich man backed by venture capitalists and hedge funds in having control of Twitter.

You cannot directly delete your Twitter account, but must instead deactivate it; 30 days after deactivation, your account and all data will be automatically deleted and your Twitter name will become available for others to register.

Deactivating your account is quite straightforward. Click the More button in the app and select Settings and privacy:

More menu with Settings and privacy highlighted

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How to Download An Archive of Your Twitter Account

Social Media iconTwitter have made it possible to download an archive of your data; this archive includes tweets, replies, followers, lists, and more. This isn’t generally something I’ve done but I’ve seen it mentioned before by people who wanted to analyse their twitter activity.

Downloading the archive it quite straightforward to do, but will require some time as Twitter does not allow you to download it immediately. Instead you request the archive and wait until they have prepared the download and send you an email that it is read to download.

To request the archive, you can follow the below steps.

Click the More menu and select Settings and privacy:

More menu with Settings and privacy selected

Continue reading “How to Download An Archive of Your Twitter Account”