SQL script to populate the Payables Distribution Type SETP (PM40103) table

Microsoft Dynamics GPI recently wrote a report for a client which included payables distributions; in order to output the distribution type, I joined to the Payables Distribution Type SETP (PM40103) table. Unfortunately, when the report was deployed, it didn’t work: all of the rows had a blank distribution type.

When I investigated I found that the Payables Distribution Type SETP (PM40103) table was empty. My demo environment is running Fabrikam and had fifteen rows of data, so I decided to migrate my table content to the clients system using a simple SQL script to insert the extracted rows.

The script is a simple one which doesn’t do any checking so confirm the table is empty before running.

Created by Ian Grieve of azurecurve | Ramblings of an IT Professional (http://www.azurecurve.co.uk) This code is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Int). */
INSERT INTO PM40103 (DISTTYPE, DSNMSHRT, DSNMLONG) VALUES (1, 'CASH', 'CASH') ,(2, 'PAY', 'Accounts Payable') ,(3, 'AVAIL', 'Discounts Available') ,(4, 'TAKEN', 'Discounts Taken') ,(5, 'FNCHG', 'Finance Charge') ,(6, 'PURCH', 'Purchases') ,(7, 'TRADE', 'Trade Discounts') ,(8, 'MISC', 'Miscellaneous') ,(9, 'FREIGHT', 'FREIGHT') ,(10, 'TAXES', 'TAXES') ,(11, 'WRITE', 'Write Offs') ,(12, 'OTHER', 'OTHER') ,(13, 'GST', 'GST') ,(14, 'PPS', 'PPS') ,(15, 'UNIT', 'UNIT')