Going Live With Remittances By Email – Transferring Email Addresses

Microsoft Dynamics GPA few days ago I posted about testing email remittances and supplied a SQL script for use on the test system to ensure emails remained internal and didn’t get sent to creditors.

I’ve also written a script which will transfer the email address from the current Internet Information column (with the assumption that the email address is in INET1) across to the new EmailToAddress column and then blank out the INET1 column so data is not being held, and therefore maintained, in two fields. Continue reading “Going Live With Remittances By Email – Transferring Email Addresses”

Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010 R2 RTM VPC Is Now Available

Microsoft Dynamics GPDavid Musgrave on the Developing for Dynamics GP blog has forwarded on the announcement that the Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010 R2 RTM VPC image is now available.

This download comes in two parts; the Tech Demo Toolkit image as well as a Domain Controller image (I’ll try to check this out later but I’m off for a long weekend later today but presumably this is because Management Reporter requires a domain) and is only compatible with Microsoft Virtual PC 2007 SP1; if you have Windows Virtual PC installed you’ll need to remove it and revert back to the older one as, unfortunately, both cannt be installed at the same time.

Check out David’s blog post for details of all the changes or download the Toolkit from PartnerSource (PartnerSource login required).

Update:Just found the original post which came from Jay Manley on the Inside Microsoft Dynamics GP blog.