Local by Flywheel: Disable Other Hypervisors Before Installing Local by Flywheel

Local By FlywheelThis post is part of the series on Local by Flywheel.

Local by Flywheel works by installing VirtualBox; if you are running any other visrtualsiation software, you need to make sure that it, and the related hypervisor, is disabled.

In my case, I am using Hyper-V so will need to use bcdedit to stop the hypervisor via an elevated command prompt.

The command to use is:

Adminstrator: Command Prompt showing hypervisor successful disabled

bcdedit /set hypervisorlaunchtype off

Once the command has successfully completed, the machine will need to be rebooted; if a reboot is done performed, then the hypervisor will not be fully disabled and will cause problems.

Once you’ve finished installing and shutdown Local by Flywheel, you can restart the Hyper-V hypervisor using the following command (again a reboot will be required):

bcdedit /set hypervisorlaunchtype auto

Hyper-V Error Creating Virtual Machines

Hyper-VA while ago I was having problems with Hyper-V whenever I tried to start a VM after my laptop had been to sleep or after it was first started up.

That problem went away recently after I upgraded to Windows 10 by rebuilding the laptop. However, it seems the problem has migrated to whenever I try to create a new virtual machine:

The server encountered an error while creatng

New Virtual Machine Wizard

The server encountered an error while creating {server name}.

The operation failed.

An unexpected error occurred: Logon failure: the user has not been granted the requested logon type at this computer. (0x80070569).

The operation failed.

The Hyper-V Virtual Machine Management server encountered an under unexpected error: Logon failure: the user has not been granted the requested logon type at this computer. (0x80070569).

This is a lot less disruptive than the originally problem as I started VMs a lot more often than I create them. And fortunately, the fix is the same as last time, so the batch file I created can still be used.

Run the batch file and the VM can be created; and even better is that I can keep the New Virtual Machine Wizard open with all of the settings configured when I run the batch file. So if I forget to run the batch file before starting to create the VM, I don’t lose any work.

Batch Command To Restart Hyper-V

Hyper-VI got a new laptop at work recently (i7 16GB RAM 1080P) and have finally been able to pretty much transition away from VMWare to Hyper-V (which I use at home for my test system); I only have a final couple of VMs to recreate or migrate. It has not all been smooth sailing however, as I have found that if the laptop goes to sleep or is switched off the VMs cannot be started again.

I think this is something to do the AD group policy rather than an inherent problem as my Surface Pro 3 works fine.

The solution is to restart the Hyper-V Virtual Machine Management service, but going into Services every time for this was soon going to get annoying, so instead I created a batch file I can run from a keyboard shortcut containing the following two lines:

net stop vmms
net start vmms

These commands stop and then start the service allowing me to use the VMs.

Error Starting Virtual Machine On Client Hyper-V

Hyper-VI make a lot of use of virtual machines for both testing and demonstrating Microsoft Dynamics GP. As a company, when I joined, Perfect Image tended to use VMware (I’ll reserve comment, which I realise tells it’s own story), but more recently have started making more use of Microsoft Hyper-V, which is what I also use at home for testing and writing my blog and books.

After installing Hyper-V on my work laptop I created a virtual machine and clicked start. Unfortunately, I received the below error messages:

Hyper-V Manager

I did some digging around and found that although Hyper-V was installed, the hypervisor wasn’t running. Fortunately, the laptop I have does support Hyper-V and I only had to do one thing which was to enable the hypervisor by opening an elevated command prompt and type the following command:

bcdedit /set hypervisorlaunchtype auto

Once I had run the command I was able to start the virtual machine without further problem; at least with Hyper-V.

What I found was that with the hypervisor running, I wasn’t able to start a VMware virtual machine. So a second command can be used to disable the hypervisor for those times when I need to use a VMware virtual machine:

bcdedit /set hypervisorlaunchtype off

Hopefully, I’ll be able to complete the transition away from VMWare very soon and stop toggling from one to the other.