Implementing Jet Enterprise: Implementing Jet Professional

Jet ReportsThis post is part of a series of posts on implementing Jet Reports and is part of the Jet Enterprise sub-series.

No, the title is not a mistake. When you purchase Jet Enterprise, you also get a licence for Jet Professional. This ensures you get the full reporting capability available from Jet Reports. It also means that as well as following my series on Implementing Jet Enterprise, you should also follow the series on Implementing Jet Professional.

In the last post, on the Jet Enterprise sample reports, I said you could use the reports for both Jet Professional and Jet Enterprise, but forgot to say how. The how is because you have access to Jet Professional if you install it.

Implementing Jet Enterprise: Sample Reports

Jet ReportsThis post is part of a series of posts on implementing Jet Reports and is part of the Jet Enterprise sub-series.

As with the other versions of Jet Reports, there are sample reports available from Jet Reports. Back in May I posted about the sample reports for Jet Professional.

The download for Jet Professional and Jet Enterprise is the same one; with jet Enterprise all of the files in the download will be able to be used.

To download the use the reports, follow the instructions in the Jet Professional sample reports post.

Implementing Jet Enterprise: Schedule Execution Package

Jet ReportsThis post is part of a series of posts on implementing Jet Reports and is part of the Jet Enterprise sub-series.

The final step in automating the deploy and execution of the project, is to create the scehdule. Do this in the Jet Data Manager Server by selecting the Execution tab, right click on the execution package to which you want to add the schedule and then click Add Schedule:

Jet Data Manager Server: Execution

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Implementing Jet Enterprise: Test Execution Package

Jet ReportsThis post is part of a series of posts on implementing Jet Reports and is part of the Jet Enterprise sub-series.

In the last post, I stepped through the creation of an execution package; I am going to set this to execute automatically on a schedule, but first I am going to manually run it to ensure that it works.

To test the execution package, select the Execution tab, right click on the execution package to test and click Execute:

Jet Data Manager Server: Execution

Continue reading “Implementing Jet Enterprise: Test Execution Package”

Implementing Jet Enterprise: Create Execution Package

Jet ReportsThis post is part of a series of posts on implementing Jet Reports and is part of the Jet Enterprise sub-series.

To automatically update the Jet Enterprise cubes, we need to create an execution package.

To do this, select the Execution tab, right click on the Execution {Package node and click Add Execution Package:

Jet Data Manager Server: Execution

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Implementing Jet Enterprise: Create Event Log Notification for Execution Packages

Jet ReportsThis post is part of a series of posts on implementing Jet Reports and is part of the Jet Enterprise sub-series.

Jet Enterprise cubes can be automatically updated using an execution package. A notification can be created for the execution package so that admins can be notified of any issues during the execution.

In this post, I’m going to create a notification and in the next post will cover the creation of the execution package itself.

To create the notification, select the Execution tab, right click the Notifications node and click Add Notification:

Jet Data Manager Server - Execution

Continue reading “Implementing Jet Enterprise: Create Event Log Notification for Execution Packages”

Implementing Jet Enterprise: Set Cubes to Automatically Update

Jet ReportsThis post is part of a series of posts on implementing Jet Reports and is part of the Jet Enterprise sub-series.

Over the last few posts, I have shown the installation and deployment of Jet Enterprise and have manually updated the data warehouse and OLAP cubes. We have then tested the cubes in Microsoft Excel to confirm the cubes are populated and working correctly.

However, a BI solution needs to automatically update so that new data is included without the user needing to take any action other than refreshing the report. There is a few steps which need to be followed to do this; over the next few posts in this series I’m going to show how Jet Enterprise can be configured to do this.

Implementing Jet Enterprise: Connect Microsoft Excel to the Jet Enterprise Cubes

Jet ReportsThis post is part of a series of posts on implementing Jet Reports and is part of the Jet Enterprise sub-series.

With the basic Jet Enterprise installation and configuration now complete, Microsoft Excel can be connected to the cubes to test that everything is working as it should; launch Microsoft Excel, select the Jet tab and click the Data Source Settings button:

Microsoft Excel

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Implementing Jet Enterprise: Deploy and Execute OLAP Cubes

Jet ReportsThis post is part of a series of posts on implementing Jet Reports and is part of the Jet Enterprise sub-series.

In the last post, I showed how to deploy and execute the project; in this post, I am going to deploy and execute the OLAP Cubes which will make them available for reporting. For a detailed description of the deploy and execute process, see the Jet Support article. The deploy and execute can be done separately, but for the first deploy and execute during implementation, I’d tend to do them together.

In this stage we want to deploy and execute the entire OLAP Cubes. To do this, click on the Cubes tab, then right-click on the OLAP Servers top level node and click Deploy and Execute:

Jet Data Manager Server: Deploy and Execute

Continue reading “Implementing Jet Enterprise: Deploy and Execute OLAP Cubes”

Implementing Jet Enterprise: Deploy and Execute the Project

Jet ReportsThis post is part of a series of posts on implementing Jet Reports and is part of the Jet Enterprise sub-series.

Over the last few posts, I’ve been stepping through the basic installation and configuration of Jet Enterprise; in the last post, I covered the configuration in Connection Manager which connects Jet Enterprise to the installation of Microsoft Dynamics GP. In this post, I’m going to cover the first deploy and execute of the project; the short description of deploy and execute is that the data structures are created (deploy) and populated (execute).

For a detailed description of the deploy and execute process, see the Jet Support article. The deploy and execute can be done separately, but for the first deploy and execute during implementation, I’d tend to do them together.

In this stage we want to deploy and execute the entire project. Do this by right-clicking on the project name at the top of the navigation pane in the Detail tab and click Deploy and Execute:

Jet Data Manager Server: Deploy and Execute

Continue reading “Implementing Jet Enterprise: Deploy and Execute the Project”