Problem Recognising Lines on Telephone Bill in Continia Software’s Document Capture

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business CentralI was doing some work with a client implementing Document Capture (DC) from Continia Software. This is an extension for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central which allows PDF invoices to be scanned and (optionally) matched against purchase orders and/or receipts. I provided some training to clients on doing the setup of vendor templates and let them get on with creating the required templates.

However, they brought one to me as they could not get the invoice line fields to recognise. The issue was down to it being an invoice from a mobile phone (cellnet for any Americans reading) company where the header (and footer) fields were on the first page and all of the lines on the second page.

I did some digging and found that two of the footer fields, Amount Incl. VAT and VAT Amount, needed a setting changed. These fields are set up with the Stop Lines Recognition set to If Caption or Value is on same line. As these fields were on the first page and the lines on the second page, there setting on the Stop Lines Recognition meant that DC found these fields and stopped looking for lines.

I changed the setting on both fields to a blank:

Template Field Card - VAT Amount

The Amount Excl. VAT field is also set the same way, but there was a subtotal below the lines so I was able to use this field as the footer to stop recognising lines; which was necessary as there was an additional four pages on the invoice, none of which needed to be recognised.

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