ClassicPress Plugins Available From azurecurve | Development in 2023: Sidebar Login

ClassicPressIn this series of articles, I am going to introduce each of the plugins I have developed for ClassicPress, a hard-fork of WordPress, which was originally created to provide an alternative, yet compatible, CMS without the Gutenberg block editor.

The 40th plugin is Sidebar Login.

Sidebar Login
Sidebar Login adds a useful login widget which can be used to login from in the sidebar of your ClassicPress powered blog; once a user logs in they are redirected back to the page they logged in from rather than the admin panel (this is configurable).

The following tags can be used in the widget settings for titles and links and will be replaced at runtime:

  • %username% – logged in users display name
  • %userid% – logged in users ID
  • %firstname% – logged in users firstname
  • %lastname% – logged in users lastname
  • %name% – logged in users firstname and lastname
  • %admin_url% – url to WP admin
  • %logout_url% – logout url
  • %avatar% – User Avatar

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