Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2021 Release Feature of the Day: Summary Post Cash Receipt at Batch

Microsoft Dynamics GPThis post is part of the Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2021 Release Feature of the Day series where I am going to echo the posts from the Inside Microsoft Dynamics GP Blog, while adding some commentary, on the new features introduced in the Microsoft Dynamics GP October 2021 Release which is now available.

This post is on the Summary post Cash Receipt at Batch Financial enhancement.

Previously, Microsoft have added the ability to Summary Post AR Cash Receipts as an option in Company Setup. This has been well received as it takes the customer cash received and posts a summary deposit for the transactions through Bank Reconciliation to update the checkbook. However, Microsoft have received requests that users want greater control over this process as not all batches should automatically post in summary through Bank Reconciliation.

An new option has been added with a drop down selection when Automatically post cash receipt deposits is marked in Company Setup. This drop down will display an option for the entire batch to post in Summary or to post each individual transaction through Bank Reconciliation. The system will still automatically post the deposit in Bank Reconciliation, however by this selection, you can determine if the batch posts as a combined deposit, or if each receipt in the batch will post as a deposit in Bank Reconciliation.

Receivables Batch Entry

I have a few clients using the option introduced a while ago who I think will like and benefit from this new level of flexibility in posting batches to Bank Rec.