Microsoft Dynamics GP Table Reference

GP Table ReferenceThere are a fair number of really good resources out there on Microsoft Dynamics GP, but, unfortunately, some of them disappear through time.

One of the casualties was the GP Table Reference, which closed down a while ago. I’m not sure who was behind the site, but it has been missed.

To that end, I have started building a new site to live alongside this one; the Microsoft Dynamics GP Table Reference. The site is a work in progress, and will likely always be.

At present it has the main Microsoft Dynamics GP products tables along with the tables for Fixed Assets (product 309), Purchase Order Enhancements (product 2277) and Revenue Expense Deferrals (product 1045).

I will be adding products soon and will continue adding them until I have all of the first party products and will then look to start adding some of the more popular/common ISV ones.

I’ll also be adding some further explanations and to the fields, such as the one already added to the LOCNCODE field in Purchase Order Line (POP10110).

I hope people find the site useful; if you do use it and spot any issues, or want anything adding, please get in touch and let me know.