Fixing The Management Reporter Sample Reports Part 2

Microsoft Dynamics GPWell, I return to fixing the Management Reporter sample reports with an, unexpected, part 2. Last week I installed the sample reports into Management Reporter and then found a problem with the sample reports where the Segment didn’t link correctly to the segments in Microsoft Dynamics GP.

The same issue exists with the Reporting Trees in the sample reports with the Dimensions column;

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Fixing The Management Reporter Sample Reports

Microsoft Dynamics GPI installed the sample reports into Management Reporter yesterday when writing the blog post but I didn’t actually take a proper look at them until this morning when I realised that there is a problem with them; there is a mismatch between the default settings of the sample reports and Microsoft Dynamics GP 2010 R2 whereby the Link to Financial Dimensions is broken;

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How To Install Management Reporter Sample Reports

Microsoft Dynamics GPIn some recent posts I’ve covered installing Management Reporter (prerequisites, server and clients) as well as doing the initial setup.

Once Management Reporter has been installed and initialised, typically the next step would be to configure security access and then start creating the building blocks required for the needed reports.

However, if you’re creating a demo system you might instead install the sample reports supplied by Microsoft which can be downloaded from either CustomerSource or PartnerSource (login required) which is what I am going to cover in this post.

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How To Configure Management Reporter For Use

Microsoft Dynamics GPOver the last few posts I’ve covered installing the Management Reporter prerequisites, server and clients; now it’s time to configure Management Reporter for use.

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How To Install Management Reporter – Client

Microsoft Dynamics GPAt the end of last week, I posted the first two parts in a series of posts on how to install Management Reporter; how to install Management Reporter – Prerequisites and how to install Management Reporter – Server.

Today I’ll give a run through of the Management Reporter client installation. To install the client, the same installation packages used to install the server, Microsoft Dynamics Management Reporter SP1 (Full Install) and Management Reporter Service Pack 2 October Update (PartnerSource or CustomerSource login required), are used. Continue reading “How To Install Management Reporter – Client”

How To Install Management Reporter — Server

Microsoft Dynamics GPYesterday, I posted the first in a series of posts on how to install management reporter; how to install Management Reporter – Prerequisites. Today I’ll cover the server side of the installation. Continue reading “How To Install Management Reporter — Server”

How To Install Management Reporter – Server Prerequisites

Microsoft Dynamics GPI’ve done quite a few posts on bugs and other problems recently, so I thought it about time to do a few How To posts; I opened last week with a post on how to install a domain controller and I’ve decided to follow up with a post on how to install Management Reporter. Or at least I intented it to be a post about Management Reporter but I then realised how many screenshots I’d taken and decided to break it down into several posts; the first of which will cover the server prerequisites. Continue reading “How To Install Management Reporter – Server Prerequisites”

How To Create A Domain Controller

Windows ServerThe release of Management Reporter brought several advantages over FRx; x64 compatibility, replacement of the Access database with SQL Server and a modern client among them. However, one of the downsides is that Management Reporter requires a domain to be available for both the installation and running.

Where FRx could be run on any PC or laptop regardless of the operating system, Management Reporter can only be run on a server OS. This means that the Business Development Managers, and I, need either a laptop with Windows Server 2008, or better the R2 version, installed or we need a VM with the same. To make everyday life easier I opted for the latter as I can install it once and then copy the VM between machines.

I am a Microsoft Dynamics GP consultant by training, certification and experience but I don’t have a huge amount of experience with Active Directory. I am the most knowledgeable here about installing GP and Management Reporter though, so it falls to me to do the setup of the demo systems and I figured I might as well do the full monty rather than getting someone else to install the operating system and then passing it back to me.

To this end I needed to learn how to install and configure Active Directory Domain Services (ADDS) and I thought it best to document here for anyone else interested and also for my own future reference. Continue reading “How To Create A Domain Controller”

Transferring GP To A New Server Without Resetting All Passwords

[One of the annoyances when migrating a client’s installation of Microsoft Dynamics GP to a new server is that, unless the new server has the same name as the old one, the password of every user needs to be reset as the server name is encrypted in with the password.

The is another alternative though and that is to create a DNS CNAME Alias and use this as the server name in the SQL Server ODBC instead of the servers actual name. When GP is migrated to a new box you only need to amend the DNS CNAME Alias and users can continue logging in with the same password. Continue reading “Transferring GP To A New Server Without Resetting All Passwords”