GP Elementz from ISC Software: GP Elementz Add-ins

ISC Software SolutionsThis post is part of the GP Elementz from ISC Software series.

There are a number of add-ins available from ISC Software for Microsoft Dynamics GP which have been written in Dexterity, which have the look and feel of standard windows. These add-ins are sold under the GP Elementz label.

There are five main Elementz products listed on the GP Elementz website:

  • Enhanced Notes – Extends and secures standard notes by allowing multiple separate notes to be recorded against records. Includes user alerts, categorization and audit functionality.
  • Financial Elementz – A collection of windows and reports that enhance standard financial Dynamics GP function.
  • Distribution Elementz – A collection of windows & reports that extend Dynamics GP SOP, POP and inventory functions.
  • Security Informer – Provides on-screen messages stating details of which window or report access is denied.
  • Invoice Transformer – Consolidate or ‘mirror’ SOP invoices. Transfer item lines between SOP invoices.

I’m also going to take a look at one of the other GP Elementz products which is available and that is PO Management. This add-in provides an alternative to the standard SOP-POP Link which allows for partial invoicing of committed sales orders.

Continue reading “GP Elementz from ISC Software: GP Elementz Add-ins”

Replace Microsoft Word formatting with a style

Microsoft OfficeI was working on a new book recently and bolded a lot of important terms. I then remembered that I actually had a style created for key words and should have been using the style rather than simply using bold; I convert the Word document into a number of different formats and styles, rather than simple bold, works a lot better for the conversion process.

A 200 page book was going to be somewhat long-winded to go through and update, but then I remembered seeing some additional options in the Find and Replace window a while ago.

Hit Ctrl+H and then click the More >> button. Click the Format button and select Font…:

Find and Replace window

Continue reading “Replace Microsoft Word formatting with a style”

SQL script to insert test email address to all customers

Microsoft Dynamics GPBack when this blog was a few months old, I posted a script on updating emails on vendors to keep emails internal for testing and have recently had the need to provide a customer a similar script for testing the emailing of invoices and statements.

This first script updates all existing records to replace the email address with one supplied by the customer (the highlighted email address should be changed to the required email address):

Created by Ian Grieve of azurecurve | Ramblings of an IT Professional ( This code is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Int). */
(100) SET @TestEmail = '' UPDATE SY01200 SET INET1 = @TestEmail ,EmailToAddress = @TestEmail ,EmailCcAddress = '' ,EmailBccAddress = '' WHERE Master_Type = 'CUS'

this second script will insert an email address against all customer addresses which don’t currently have an email (the highlighted email address should be changed to the required email address).

Created by Ian Grieve of azurecurve | Ramblings of an IT Professional ( This code is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Int). */
DECLARE @TestEmail VARCHAR(100) SET @TestEmail = '' INSERT INTO SY01200 ( Master_Type ,Master_ID ,ADRSCODE ,INETINFO ,EmailToAddress ,EmailCcAddress ,EmailBccAddress ) --VALUES ( SELECT 'CUS' ,CUSTNMBR ,ADRSCODE ,'' ,@TestEmail ,'' ,'' FROM RM00102 AS ['Customer Master Address File'] WHERE ( SELECT COUNT(Master_ID) FROM SY01200 AS ['Internet Addresses'] WHERE Internet Addresses.Master_Type = 'CUS' AND Internet Addresses.Master_ID = ['Customer Master Address File'].CUSTNMBR AND Internet Addresses.ADRSCODE = ['Customer Master Address File'].ADRSCODE ) = 0 )

These scripts are only intended for use on a development or test system so please be careful when running them; as always with update scripts, I’d recommend having a good backup before running them just in case of problems.

SQL script to populate the Payables Distribution Type SETP (PM40103) table

Microsoft Dynamics GPI recently wrote a report for a client which included payables distributions; in order to output the distribution type, I joined to the Payables Distribution Type SETP (PM40103) table. Unfortunately, when the report was deployed, it didn’t work: all of the rows had a blank distribution type.

When I investigated I found that the Payables Distribution Type SETP (PM40103) table was empty. My demo environment is running Fabrikam and had fifteen rows of data, so I decided to migrate my table content to the clients system using a simple SQL script to insert the extracted rows.

The script is a simple one which doesn’t do any checking so confirm the table is empty before running.

Created by Ian Grieve of azurecurve | Ramblings of an IT Professional ( This code is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Int). */
INSERT INTO PM40103 (DISTTYPE, DSNMSHRT, DSNMLONG) VALUES (1, 'CASH', 'CASH') ,(2, 'PAY', 'Accounts Payable') ,(3, 'AVAIL', 'Discounts Available') ,(4, 'TAKEN', 'Discounts Taken') ,(5, 'FNCHG', 'Finance Charge') ,(6, 'PURCH', 'Purchases') ,(7, 'TRADE', 'Trade Discounts') ,(8, 'MISC', 'Miscellaneous') ,(9, 'FREIGHT', 'FREIGHT') ,(10, 'TAXES', 'TAXES') ,(11, 'WRITE', 'Write Offs') ,(12, 'OTHER', 'OTHER') ,(13, 'GST', 'GST') ,(14, 'PPS', 'PPS') ,(15, 'UNIT', 'UNIT')

SmartList searching with wildcards

Microsoft Dynamics GPI was recently showing some clients how to use wildcard searching in SmartListand looked up my old blog post to refresh mym memory. When I was searching for my page, I found one from Shawn Dorward which he posted a couple of years ago and which covered some additional searching which was available.

Shawn’s blog post contains a some really good example of searching and also covers a couple of items, such as all fields of which I was not aware.

Windows rotation lock missing

WindowsI use a small convertible laptop (the screen rotates through 360o to turn into a tablet) for a lot of web browsing; occasionally I convert it into a tablet and switch allow the screen to rotate from landscape to portrait mode. However, when I tried to do this by switching off the Rotation Lock option the other day, the option in the action centre was missing; it is usually between Tablet Mode and Network:

Rotation Lock missing from the action centre

Continue reading “Windows rotation lock missing”

Bad Parameter in refreshable Excel report query

Microsoft Dynamics GPOver the last few months, I’ve been doing work with clients on creating some refreshable Excel reports. Working on one of them, we had parameters for dates and added one for Vendor ID, which is when I encountered an error:

Excel error message

Microsoft Excel

Bad parameter type. Microsoft Excel is expecting a different ind of value than what was provided.

Continue reading “Bad Parameter in refreshable Excel report query”

Workflows available in Microsoft Dynamics GP

Microsoft Dynamics GPSince Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 R2 saw the introduction of a new Workflow module for approval of documents, almost every version of Dynamics GP since then has introduced new functionality to workflow; sometimes in the form of new approval types or integration with other modules such as Document Attachment.

This diagram shows the available workflow types, colour-coded by version introduced:

Available workflow approval types

If you are looking to implement workflow, I have a book which can guide you though configuring the Microsoft Dynamics GP Workfow module from the basics of designing your workflow process, through building it and the ways that users can interact with the workflow for approvals.

The Workflow module is quite popular and becoming much more so with so many clients working in a distributed manner. There is one problem on the horizon and that is the retirement of TLS 1.0 and 1.1 which the Web Services for Microsoft Dynamics GP rely on. We are waiting for confirmation as to when a fix for this will be available, but I am expecting the fix to require an upgrade of Microsoft Dynamics GP which isn’t always quickly possible.

Fortunately, the company for which I work, ISC Software, are both a VAR and an ISV with a number of products and services available.

One of those products is PurchaseHQ which provides an Azure hosted web portal through which users can log on to do their purchasing series approvals. It fully integrates with the Workflow module in Microsoft Dynamics GP (blog and video) for document approvals (blog and video). The portal is quite a popular approach for organisations with a lot of approvals which need to be done as approvers have a web page they can logon to to see all of their approvals for all companies in one list, rather than receiving one email per approval.

Record short training or demo videos

Useful ApplicationsAfter posting about a couple of useful websites, I thought I’d do a useful application. Flashback Express can be sued to record short training or demo videos. While it can be used to capture the webcam, I have been using it to record the screen and sounds; for one video I needed to record both myself and someone else speaking and Flashback Express easily allowed me to capture sound from both the microphone and speakers.

Videos are recorded in a native format, but can be both exported to WMV or MP4 as well as exported directly to a YouTube channel.

Flachback Express

Continue reading “Record short training or demo videos”

Update Posting Setup in all companies to use Posting Date from Transaction

Microsoft Dynamics GPI was recently doing some work for a client and an issue which came up was the posting date for transactions posted to the GL was not always correct. After some investigation we determined that they had their Posting Setup (Administration area page » Setup » Posting » Posting) was set to use the posting date from the batch instead of the transaction.

As they had a substantial number of companies, and a lot of settings to change, they did not want to make this change manually. I’ve previously written a script to update some settings in Posting Setup in all companies so I was quickly able to amend the script for this change:

Created by Ian Grieve of azurecurve | Ramblings of an IT Professional ( This code is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Int). */

This will update all companies so I would recommend testing on a standalone test system before running on live and making sure you have a good backup before using the script.