MDGP 2016 R2 Feature of the Day: Requisition Inquiry Icon

Microsoft Dynamics GPThe Inside Microsoft Dynamics GP blog has started a series Feature of the Day posts for Microsoft Dynamics GP 2016 R2; as the most recent versions have been, these posts are in the form of PowerPoint slides; I am reposting them here so they can be read more easily.

The series index for this series of posts is here

The fifth Feature of the Day is Requisition Inquiry Icon:

Purchase Requisition Entry Inquiry

This Feature of the Day is a fairly simple one. The Purchase Requisition Entry Inquiry window will show a different icon if the purchase order created from the requisition has been updated so the requisition quantity will not be fully updated. The usual chain link icon is replaced with one which has a line striking through it.

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MDGP 2016 R2 Feature of the Day: Batch Edited Message

Microsoft Dynamics GPThe Inside Microsoft Dynamics GP blog has started a series Feature of the Day posts for Microsoft Dynamics GP 2016 R2; as the most recent versions have been, these posts are in the form of PowerPoint slides; I am reposting them here so they can be read more easily.

The series index for this series of posts is here

The fourth Feature of the Day is Batch Edited Message:

This batch is being edited by JodiCh. Please try again later.

This is a simple, but oh so welcome, enhancement to Microsoft Dynamics GP 2016 R2; when a user tries to interact with a batch which is being edited by another user, the message will no longer simply say it is being edited by another user, but will now name the other user who is editing the batch.

No longer will I need to write, or deploy, SmartLists to users allowing them to see who is locking batches (I still might so the administrator can take a global view of their system) to simply see which user is preventing a batch from being posted.

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MDGP 2016 R2 Feature of the Day: Cancel PO Linked To A Requisition

Microsoft Dynamics GPThe Inside Microsoft Dynamics GP blog has started a series Feature of the Day posts for Microsoft Dynamics GP 2016 R2; as the most recent versions have been, these posts are in the form of PowerPoint slides; I am reposting them here so they can be read more easily.

The series index for this series of posts is here.

The third Feature of the Day is the ability to Cancel a PO Linked To A Requisition. The Purchase Order Entry (Purchasing area page >> Transactions >> Purchase Order Entry) window shows a chain link icon on a line from a purchase requisition. This feature allows the user to enter a Cancelled Quantity on these lines:

Continue reading “MDGP 2016 R2 Feature of the Day: Cancel PO Linked To A Requisition”

MDGP 2016 R2 Feature of the Day: SmartList Favorite Protection

Microsoft Dynamics GPThe Inside Microsoft Dynamics GP blog has started a series Feature of the Day posts for Microsoft Dynamics GP 2016 R2; as the most recent versions have been, these posts are in the form of PowerPoint slides; I am reposting them here so they can be read more easily.

The series index for this series of posts is here

The second Feature of the Day is SmartList Favorite Protection:

SmartList Options

This new feature allows a password to be set which will protect SmartList Favourites from being modified; when a user tries to modify a SmartList Favorite they will be prompted to enter a password.

The downside of this setting is that it is a global setting for all SmartList Favourites and not a password which can be set differently for each Favourite. This point was mentioned to Microsoft at reIMAGINE 2016.

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MDGP 2016 R2 Feature of the Day: SmartList Designer SmartLists in Advanced Lookups

Microsoft Dynamics GPThe Inside Microsoft Dynamics GP blog has started a series Feature of the Day posts for Microsoft Dynamics GP 2016 R2; as the most recent versions have been, these posts are in the form of PowerPoint slides; I am reposting them here so they can be read more easily.

The series index for this series of posts is here

The first Feature of the Day is SmartList Designer SmartLists in Advanced Lookups:

SmartList Favorite

Continue reading “MDGP 2016 R2 Feature of the Day: SmartList Designer SmartLists in Advanced Lookups”

MDGP 2016 R2 Feature of the Day: Series Index

Microsoft Dynamics GPThe Inside Microsoft Dynamics GP blog ha sstarted posting their Feature of the Day Posts on Microsoft Dynamics GP 2016 R2. As usual, their posts are in the form of a PowerPoint slideshow and, as normal, I am going to convert their posts into posts here with a little commentary.

I may lag behind them somewhat as we are very busy at the moment and even I do need a little sleep occasionally.

That said, you can bookmark this post to keep an eye on the series index which will automatically update as I post each Feature of the Day.

Click to show/hide the MDGP 2016 R2 Feature of the Day Series Index

Workflow 2.0 Tasks Not Escalating

Microsoft Dynamics GPI probably spent longer pondering over this one than I should have done.

We created a new Payables Transaction approval workflow for a client last week and during UAT they reported that tasks were not escalating when they went overdue.

I verified the workflow and did some testing and was able to confirm that tasks were not escalating correctly.

This was not something I had seen before so I spent a little time doing other things to divert my mind before the realisation struck that a scheduled process has to be checking for tasks to escalate. So off to SQL Server Agent I went.

Or at least tried to. The client does not have SQL Server Agent installed; rather they use an alternate third party tool (I don’t know why).

We passed details of the jobs through to them which are usually created in SQL Server Agent (Scan For Overdue Workflow Tasks For All Companies and Scan For Invalid AD Users and Expired Delegations For All Companies) so that they could create them in the third party tool.

The additional thought which occurred is that Dynamics GP is supported on Microsoft SQL Server Express which does not contain SQL Server Agent, so users on this SQL Server platform cannot use escalations in Workflow 2.0 (unless they use a third party equivalent of SQL Server Agent).

Weird Duplicate PO Issue

Microsoft Dynamics GPThis is going to be a more wordy post than usual as I have no screenshots of the issue or resolution.

When I returned to the office on Wednesday after being away at reIMAGINE for a few days and then being on holiday in Kentucky, I was asked for assistance by Jason on our service desk.

A client had logged an issue with a PO; lets say the PO Number was PO34791 for the sake of argument (I don’t actually recall what it was).

When the PO Documents Enquiry (Inquiry) window was used, the PO looked fine; the creditor (vendor) was the correct one and all other values were okay and the PO showed as received.

However, the PO was also showing in PO Entry with a different creditor id.

Jason showed me two SQL queries;

  • The first, was a select on POP10100 WHERE PONUMBER = ‘PO34791’ and showed the correct PO.
  • The second, was a select on POP10100 WHERE VENDORID = ‘1ST001’ AND DOCAMNT = ‘791.50’ and this showed the other PO which the PO Entry window was loading. This query could be run for any information unique to the PO and it would return this PO instead of the correct one; ibncluding the PONUMBER field in the select would cause it to return nothing.

All very unusual.

I ran another query against POP10100 WHERE PONUMBER LIKE ‘PO34791%’ and this returned two lines of information both showing a PONUMBER field of PO34791.

in SQL Server Management Studio I dragged the values from the recordset into the query window to compare them; one was shorter than the other. The cause was that one of them (the one for the Vendor ID 1st001) contained a control character which is why it appeared shorter.

We’re not sure what the user had done, but the second, incorrect, PO was entered with a PO Number containing a control character; they’d been able to successfully enter the PO, but GP was then becoming confused about which one should be loaded when the user typed, or did a lookup, for PO34791.

We copied the live company into test and deleted the second PO (for vendor 1st001) from all tables (it had lines and tax and so on) and then verified the data with a Check Links and Reconcile and asked the user to double check.

This process would then be repeated on live with the PO being re-keyed (it was only a single line).

My MVP Renewed for 2016 And Jen Kuntz Awarded

Microsoft MVPWhile in America on vacation following reIMAGINE 2016, I received the notification email that I had been awarded the Microsoft Most Valuable Professional award for the fourth year running. It’s very nice to receive the award as it shows I am still contributing in a meaningful way to the Dynamics GP community.

There was another new MVP for Dynamics GP added to the roster this month as well; Jen Kuntz.

Jen has been a great contributor to the Dynamics GP community for a while now and I’m delighted to see that this has been officially recognised by Microsoft with her MVP award.

Microsoft Dynamics GP Core Installation and Configuration Credential Acquired

Association of Dynamics ProfessionalsI mentioned a few posts back that I had sat some exams for the Association of Dynamics Professionals. Well, I passed the Core Financials Setup and Functionality one, and also sat an exam for the Microsoft Dynamics GP Core Installation and Configuration credential.

I heard back yesterday that the Credentialing Council of the Association of Dynamics Professionals (DynamicsPro) has determined that I have met all requirements of the Microsoft Dynamics GP Core Installation and Configuration credential.

GP Core Financials Setup & Functionality

For those not in the know, the Association of Dynamics Professionals (DynamicsPro) is an independent, not-for-profit membership organization devoted to the global Microsoft Dynamics community of partners, customers and Microsoft.

Their mission is to ​establish and maintain professional competency standards and assessments​ for the betterment of the entire community.

I believe I am one of a very small handful of people in the UK to have this credential; nice to have them both too.