SQL View to Return Budgets By Month

Microsoft Dynamics GPThe budget functionality in Microsoft Dynamics GP isn’t the strongest with reporting being particularly weak. The ability to report on budgets in Management Reporter does somewhat redeem this area of functionality.

However, the absence of a SmartList Object for budgets is quite a big issue, as SmartList is a very nice flexible reporting tool which the majority of my clients know well. For those with SmartList Builder, it was easy enough to create a SmartList Object for them.

With the introduction of SmartList Designer, we were able to roll out the SmartList budget report to all of the clients who wanted it.

The script is below and returns the budget information with the beginning balance, 12 hard-coded periods and total horizontally across the page.

Continue reading “SQL View to Return Budgets By Month”

Stored Procedure To Get Next Purchase Receipt Number

Microsoft Dynamics GPThis stored procedure can be executed to generate the next sequential purchase receipt number which can be used for both receivings transactions (Shipment and Shipment/Invoice) and invoices; the generated invoice was then added to the integration file which was then submitted to eConnect. I’ve written this stored procedure at least three times for different integrations, so thought it best to post it here so I don’t write it again.

-- drop stored proc if it exists
IF OBJECT_ID (N'usp_AZRCRV_GetNextPOPReceiptNumber', N'P') IS NOT NULL
    DROP PROCEDURE usp_AZRCRV_GetNextPOPReceiptNumber
-- create stored proc
Created by Ian Grieve of azurecurve|Ramblings of a Dynamics GP Consultant (https://www.azurecurve.co.uk)
This code is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 UK: England & Wales (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 UK).
	DECLARE @return_value INT
	DECLARE @O_iErrorState INT

	exec @return_value = taGetPurchReceiptNextNumber  @I_vInc_Dec, @O_vPOPRCTNM = @O_vPOPRCTNM OUTPUT,  @O_iErrorState = @O_iErrorState OUTPUT

-- grant execute permission on stored proc to DYNGRP

-- execute stored proc
EXEC usp_AZRCRV_GetNextPOPReceiptNumber

The stored proc calls a Microsoft Dynamics GP stored procedure which actually does the work, so we are still getting the receipt number using standard functionality.

Microsoft Dynamics GP 2016 R2 Financial Dashboard Error

Microsoft Dynamics GPWhen reviewing some dashboards with a client a while ago we encountered an error launching the Financial Dashboard:

Microsoft Excel - We found a problem with some content in 'T16R2 Financial Dashboard.xlsx'. Do you want us to try to recover as much as we can? If you trust the source of this workbook, click Yes.

Microsoft Excel

We found a problem with some content in 'T16R2 Financial Dashboard.xlsx'. Do you want us to try to recover as much as we can? If you trust the source of this workbook, click Yes.

Continue reading “Microsoft Dynamics GP 2016 R2 Financial Dashboard Error”

“Service ‘GP OData Service (GPODataService) failed to start. Verify that you have sufficient privilages to start the system services.”

Microsoft Dynamics GPWhen working on the Hands On With Microsoft Dynamics GP 2016 R2 series of posts, I installed the OData Service. While doing so, I received an error:

Service 'GP OData Service' (GPODataService) failed to start. Verify that you have sufficient privileges to start the system services.

Microsoft Dynamics GP OData Service

Service 'GP OData Service' (GPODataService) failed to start. Verify that you have sufficient privileges to start the system services.

This type of error is not atypical when working with new service accounts, which I was on the series of posts as it was a brand new virtual machine I was working on. Fortunately, with experience of working with Microsoft Dynamics GP for nearly 14 years, I have a little experience of resolving this type of error.

In fact, I have blogged about it a couple of times. The first was back in March 2013; the instructions are towards the bottom of the post.

MS Connect Suggestion: Allow Workflow Steps to be Copied

Microsoft Dynamics GPI am on a bit of a kick with suggestions for improving Workflow 2.0 at the moment and have another MS Connect suggestion for you to vote for.

The Workflow Maintenance window currently has the facility to copy an entire workflow process (including between companies), but does not have the facility to copy a workflow step; many times when I am creating a workflow process with, or for, a client we are creating many steps which only vary in the approver and part of the condition (for example a different site or segment in the account, and it would reduce the effort and time needed if the workflow step could be copied and amended, rather than created from scratch each time.

You can vote for this suggestion here.

SQL Script To Return Functional Currencies For All Companies Without a Cursor

Microsoft Dynamics GPI posted a script a while ago which used a cursor to return the functional currencies for all companies connected to a system database. However, I have recently revisited this script and created a version which does not use a cursor.

This script has been written to only return the companies which do not have a functional currency set; if you want to see all companies, regardless of the functional currency, remove the highlighted section.

Created by Ian Grieve of azurecurve|Ramblings of a Dynamics GP Consultant (https://www.azurecurve.co.uk)
This code is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Int).
CREATE TABLE #FunctionalCurrencies(

							+ 'SELECT 
								''' + INTERID + '''
								' + INTERID + '.dbo.MC40000
								LEN(FUNLCURR) = 0'
					FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE).value('.', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)'), 1, 1, '')

INSERT INTO #FunctionalCurrencies
	EXEC sys.sp_executesql @SQL

SELECT * FROM #FunctionalCurrencies

DROP TABLE #FunctionalCurrencies

SQL Script Linking Purchase Orders to Purchase Requisitions

Microsoft Dynamics GPI have been doing a lot of work recently on Purchase Order Processing and Workflow 2.0. One of the requests I had was for a SmartList report which allowed the purchase order (PO) to be compared back to the purchase requisition (PR) it originated from. I had to take a few minutes to investigate as I knew the link from PR to PO was maintained within the system, but I wasn’t sure of the table.

It took me a little longer to determine which table held the link as I was expecting a company table, but instead found that the link was stored in the SOP_POPLink table (SOP60100). One fairly quick view later and I have the basis for the required report, and probably for some others in future too.

Continue reading “SQL Script Linking Purchase Orders to Purchase Requisitions”

You Cannot Print An Unauthorized Purchase Order

Microsoft Dynamics GPThe below error message was reported to me by a user performing UAT (User Acceptance Testing) on an implementation of Purchase Order Processing and Workflow 2.0:

Microsoft Dynamics GP - You cannot print an unauthorized purchase order

Microsoft Dynamics GP

You cannot print an unauthorized purchase order

This error was somewhat surprising as it was produced when trying to print a purchase order (PO) which had been converted from a purchase requisition (PR). There was a workflow process on the PR, which had been final approved and the PO created, but there was not a workflow on the PO.

I double checked to make sure that the old Purchase Order Enhancements (POE) Approvals functionality was disabled (it was) as the customer had previously been using this.

It was when I was checking for POE Approvals, that I realised that, as part of the project, we had enabled the PO Commitments part of POE.

The warning message was being produced as the PO line had exceeded the commitment budget value. Loading the PO, clicking the save button, accepting the override of the commitment budget value, reloading the PO and clicking the Print button successfully printed the PO.

SQL Function To Return Workflow Approval Status

Microsoft Dynamics GPIf you have been paying any sort of attention, you will know that I do quite a lot of work with the Workflow 2.0 module of Microsoft Dynamics GP.

We have created a number of reports in the past which allows the status of transactions or card going through a Workflow Approval process; to simplify matters somewhat, I created a SQL function which can be called with the Workflow Type Name and the Workflow Business Object Key and have the approval status returned.

CREATE FUNCTION dbo.uf_AZRCRV_GetWorkflowApprovalStatus(@WorkflowTypeName CHAR(50),@WfBusObjKey CHAR(200))
Created by Ian Grieve of azurecurve|Ramblings of a Dynamics GP Consultant (https://www.azurecurve.co.uk)
This code is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Int).

Returns Workflow Approval status of a specified workflow item.

Requires input parameters of WorkflowTypeName and WfBusObjKey

Valid Workflow Type Names are (as of Microsoft Dynamics GP 2016 R2):
	General Ledger Batch Approval
	Receivables Batch Approval
	Payables Batch Approval
	Payables Transaction Approval
	Purchase Order Approval
	Purchase Requisition Approval
	Vendor Approval
	Employee Profile Approval
	Employee Skills Approval
	Payroll Direct Deposit Approval
	Payroll Timecard Approval
	Payroll W4 Approval
	Expense Report Approval
	Timesheet Approval
	Smartlist Designer View Approval
			CASE WHEN ['Workflow History'].Workflow_Action = 1 THEN
			WHEN ['Workflow History'].Workflow_Action = 2 THEN
			WHEN ['Workflow History'].Workflow_Action = 3  THEN
			WHEN ['Workflow History'].Workflow_Action = 4 THEN
				'Task Complete'
			WHEN ['Workflow History'].Workflow_Action = 5 THEN
			WHEN ['Workflow History'].Workflow_Action = 6 THEN
			WHEN ['Workflow History'].Workflow_Action = 7 THEN
			WHEN ['Workflow History'].Workflow_Action = 8 THEN
			WHEN ['Workflow History'].Workflow_Action = 9 THEN
			WHEN ['Workflow History'].Workflow_Action = 10 THEN
				'Final Approved'
			WF30100 AS ['Workflow History']
			WFI10002 AS ['Workflow Master']
					['Workflow Master'].WorkflowInstanceID = ['Workflow History'].WorkflowInstanceID
			['Workflow Master'].Workflow_Type_Name = @WorkflowTypeName
			['Workflow Master'].WfBusObjKey = @WfBusObjKey
			['Workflow History'].Workflow_Action <> 11
			['Workflow History'].DEX_ROW_ID DESC)
	,'Not Submitted')


This view can be called from a SmartList created using either SmartList Designer, SmartList Builder, via a Reporting Services or Excel Report or any other type of report.

Updated 09/02/2022 – Added the highlighted clause which is needed to filter out no action required status after final approval (thanks to Calum for the reminder).

AD Group Names Have Maximum Lengths If Used in Workflow 2.0

Microsoft Dynamics GPI am working with a few different clients on projects to implement Workflow 2.0 and came across an issue with one of them when selecting an AD Group as an approver. I was able to reproduce the issue on my demo machine so knew it was not a client environment specific issue.

When the lookup was performed on the group name, the group was returned, but the login name was truncated:

Workflow User Selection

Continue reading “AD Group Names Have Maximum Lengths If Used in Workflow 2.0”