Installing Pi-hole On A Raspberry Pi: What is Pi-hole?

Raspberry PiThis post is part of the series on installing Pi-hole on a Raspberry Pi; this series is a sub-series of the Adventures with a Raspberry Pi.

Before launching into the installation of Pi-hole, I thought it might be useful to explain what a Pi-hole is and why you might want to use one.

From Wikipedia

Pi-hole is a Linux network-level advertisement and Internet tracker blocking application which acts as a DNS sinkhole (and optionally a DHCP server), intended for use on a private network. It is designed for use on embedded devices with network capability, such as the Raspberry Pi, but it can be used on other machines running Linux and cloud implementations.

Pi-hole has the ability to block traditional website adverts as well as adverts in unconventional places, such as smart TVs and mobile operating system adverts.

I run quote a few PCs, laptops, tablets and so on in the house, as well as mobile phones or tablets when people visit; I have uBlock Origin installed in Vivaldi, but I wanted something a bit broader in terms of ad blocking. The actual impetus to sorting out a Pi-hole was when Google announced they’d be making changes to Extensions ion Chrome which would have crippled ad blockers.

Internet adverts have become far too intrusive and I just want them gone (I have a small set of whitelisted sites where they have ads which are not intrusive (no video, sound, flashing or otherwise moving images).

Pi-hole admin

Continue reading “Installing Pi-hole On A Raspberry Pi: What is Pi-hole?”

Find Table in All Microsoft Dynamics GP Databases

Microsoft Dynamics GPI was doing some work with a client recently with a custom extension being tested in some Microsoft Dynamics GP companies. Due to how it is deployed (very manually) we had only deployed it to some databases and not all.

Due to other project commitments, no testing was done for a while and when we returned, we weren’t sure if the deployment notes listed all databases correctly or if some of those databases had been overwritten for other testing.

So, a small script was needed to check for the presence of a custom table in all databases; the below is what I came up with to check for a table in all Microsoft Dynamics GP databases:

Created by Ian Grieve of azurecurve|Ramblings of a Dynamics GP Consultant (
This code is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Int).
DECLARE @command nvarchar(max)

DECLARE @SystemDatabase VARCHAR(15) = 'DYNAMICS'
DECLARE @Table VARCHAR(50) = 'SY00800'
CREATE TABLE #ReturnedData(

SELECT @command = 'IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM sys.databases AS dbs LEFT JOIN ' + @SystemDatabase + '..SY01500 SY ON SY.INTERID = WHERE = ''?'' AND ( = ''' + @SystemDatabase + ''' OR SY.INTERID IS NOT NULL))
							USE [?];
							INSERT INTO #ReturnedData (dbname, tablename) (SELECT DB_NAME() AS ''DB_NAME'', FROM sys.objects AS o WHERE LIKE ''' + @Table + '%'')

EXEC sp_MSforeachdb @command

SELECT * FROM #ReturnedData

DROP TABLE #ReturnedData

Installing Pi-hole On A Raspberry Pi: Series Index

Raspberry PiThis series is a sub-series of the Adventures with a Raspberry Pi, in which I am going to step through installing Pi-hole on a Raspberry Pi.

If you’re reading this post on azurecurve, this index will automatically update, otherwise you need to check back to the original post.

Adventures With A Raspberry Pi

Adventures With A Raspberry Pi
Building The Raspberry Pi: CanaKit Raspberry Pi 3 B+ Complete Starter Kit
Building The Raspberry Pi: Raspberry Pi Build
Building The Raspberry Pi: Install Operating System
Building The Raspberry Pi: First Run
Building The Raspberry Pi: System Configuration Tool
Building The Raspberry Pi: Enable SSH For Remote Access
Building The Raspberry Pi: Securing the Raspberry Pi
Building The Raspberry Pi: Conclusion
Installing Pi-hole On A Raspberry Pi: What is Pi-hole?
Installing Pi-hole On A Raspberry Pi: Install Pi-hole
Installing Pi-hole On A Raspberry Pi: Change Pi-hole Admin Password
Installing Pi-hole On A Raspberry Pi: Configure Network to use Pi-hole
Using Pi-hole On A Raspberry Pi: Blocked Adverts
Using Pi-hole On A Raspberry Pi: Admin Interface
Using Pi-hole On A Raspberry Pi: Disabling Pi-hole
Using Pi-hole On A Raspberry Pi: Whitelisting a Site
Using Pi-hole On A Raspberry Pi: Update Blocklists
Using Pi-hole On A Raspberry Pi: Maintain Blocklists
Using Pi-hole On A Raspberry Pi: Change DNS Servers
Using Pi-hole On A Raspberry Pi: Connecting With SSH
Using Pi-hole On A Raspberry Pi: Updating the Pi-hole
Using Pi-hole On A Raspberry Pi: Conclusion
What Else Can I Use It For?
Prepare New SD Card For Raspberry Pi OS: Download SD Card Formatter
Prepare New SD Card For Raspberry Pi OS: Install SD Card Formatter
Prepare New SD Card For Raspberry Pi OS: Format SD Card
Prepare New SD Card For Raspberry Pi OS: Download NOOBS
Prepare New SD Card For Raspberry Pi OS: Copy Files To The SD Card
Prepare New SD Card For Raspberry Pi OS: Conclusion
Installing Pi-hole On A Raspberry Pi: Changing the IP Address
Raspberry PI Update Fails
Check Version of OS on Raspberry Pi
How to Update the OS on a Raspberry Pi
Installing Pi-hole On A Raspberry Pi
What is Pi-hole?
Install Pi-hole
Change Pi-hole Admin Password
Configure Network to use Pi-hole
Using Pi-hole On A Raspberry Pi: Blocked Adverts
Using Pi-hole On A Raspberry Pi: Admin Interface
Changing the IP Address

Can I Create a Temp Table With Collation Different to the Server Collation?

Microsoft SQL ServerAs with virtually all headlines containing a question, the short answer is no. From the research I have done, the temp table will always be created with the collation of the SQL Server. If you want to skip to the solution, click here.

Why would you want a different collation? Well, in this case we need a different collation as there is a third party database which a customisation in Microsoft Dynamics GP is using for pricing lookups. The database was originally on a server with the same collation (SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS) as the Dynamics GP server (and which the database shares). However, the database has now been moved to a new server with the default UK server collation (Latin1_General_CI_AS).

The problem now is that when data is being inserted or updated into this database, a collation error is produced:

Cannot resolve the collation conflict

[Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0][SQL Server]Cannot resolve the collation conflict between "Latin1_General_CI_AS" and "SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS" in the equal operation.

Code: 8004OE14

Source: Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers

Continue reading “Can I Create a Temp Table With Collation Different to the Server Collation?”

Building The Raspberry Pi: Conclusion

Raspberry PiThis post is part of the series on building my new Raspberry Pi; this series is a sub-series of the Adventures with a Raspberry Pi.

The Pi-hole is one of the easiest computers I have built; this isn’t that surprising as there are not very many components. The Canakit starter kit is entirely toolless, so building the Pi is just a case of slotting everything together.

This could easily be accomplished by a novice.

Adventures With A Raspberry Pi

Adventures With A Raspberry Pi
Building The Raspberry Pi: CanaKit Raspberry Pi 3 B+ Complete Starter Kit
Building The Raspberry Pi: Raspberry Pi Build
Building The Raspberry Pi: Install Operating System
Building The Raspberry Pi: First Run
Building The Raspberry Pi: System Configuration Tool
Building The Raspberry Pi: Enable SSH For Remote Access
Building The Raspberry Pi: Securing the Raspberry Pi
Building The Raspberry Pi: Conclusion
Installing Pi-hole On A Raspberry Pi: What is Pi-hole?
Installing Pi-hole On A Raspberry Pi: Install Pi-hole
Installing Pi-hole On A Raspberry Pi: Change Pi-hole Admin Password
Installing Pi-hole On A Raspberry Pi: Configure Network to use Pi-hole
Using Pi-hole On A Raspberry Pi: Blocked Adverts
Using Pi-hole On A Raspberry Pi: Admin Interface
Using Pi-hole On A Raspberry Pi: Disabling Pi-hole
Using Pi-hole On A Raspberry Pi: Whitelisting a Site
Using Pi-hole On A Raspberry Pi: Update Blocklists
Using Pi-hole On A Raspberry Pi: Maintain Blocklists
Using Pi-hole On A Raspberry Pi: Change DNS Servers
Using Pi-hole On A Raspberry Pi: Connecting With SSH
Using Pi-hole On A Raspberry Pi: Updating the Pi-hole
Using Pi-hole On A Raspberry Pi: Conclusion
What Else Can I Use It For?
Prepare New SD Card For Raspberry Pi OS: Download SD Card Formatter
Prepare New SD Card For Raspberry Pi OS: Install SD Card Formatter
Prepare New SD Card For Raspberry Pi OS: Format SD Card
Prepare New SD Card For Raspberry Pi OS: Download NOOBS
Prepare New SD Card For Raspberry Pi OS: Copy Files To The SD Card
Prepare New SD Card For Raspberry Pi OS: Conclusion
Installing Pi-hole On A Raspberry Pi: Changing the IP Address
Raspberry PI Update Fails
Check Version of OS on Raspberry Pi
How to Update the OS on a Raspberry Pi

SQL Script to Insert Vendors

Microsoft Dynamics GPWhile writing a Rockton Software’s SmartFill product recently, I wanted to do a test on a large dataset. The testing of SmartFill I had done to that point had been on vendors, so I deviced to continue in that vein.

I produced the script below which inserts records into the PM Vendor Master File (PM00200) and PM Address MSTR (PM00300) tables bgy copying an existing vendor, but assigning a unique Vendor ID to each new record. For ease of running, I creaed the script as a stored procedure wic accepts the number of records to create, the vendor to be copied and the new name of the vendor which will be created concatenated with an increasing integer.

-- drop stored proc if it exists
IF OBJECT_ID (N'usp_AZRCRV_CreateTestVendors', N'P') IS NOT NULL
    DROP PROCEDURE usp_AZRCRV_CreateTestVendors

-- create stored proc
	@MaxLoop INT = 5
	,@VendorID VARCHAR(15) = 'BEAUMONT0001'
	,@VendorIDPrefix VARCHAR(8) = 'VEND'
	Created by Ian Grieve of azurecurve|Ramblings of a Dynamics GP Consultant (
	This code is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 UK: England & Wales (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 UK).
	DECLARE @Loop INT = 1

	WHILE (@Loop <= @MaxLoop)
			-- Insert into PM Vendor Master File (PM00200)
			-- VALUES
					@VendorIDPrefix + CAST(@Loop AS VARCHAR(7))
					VENDORID = @VendorID)

			-- Insert into PM Address MSTR (PM00300)
			-- VALUES
					@VendorIDPrefix + CAST(@Loop AS VARCHAR(7))
					VENDORID = @VendorID)
			SET @Loop = @Loop + 1

-- grant execute permission on stored proc to DYNGRP

-- execute stored proc
EXEC usp_AZRCRV_CreateTestVendors 20, 'ADVANCED0001', 'VENDOR'

This script was created for, tested with and only run against the Fabrikam sample database.

Building The Raspberry Pi: Securing the Raspberry Pi

Raspberry PiThis post is part of the series on building my new Raspberry Pi; this series is a sub-series of the Adventures with a Raspberry Pi.

The official Raspberry Pi site has details on how to secure the Raspberry Pi. The page covers the following:

  1. Change your default password
  2. Change your username
  3. Make sudo require a password
  4. Ensure you have the latest security fixes
  5. Improve SSH security
  6. Use key-based authentication
  7. Install a firewall
  8. Installing fail2ban

I’d recommend taking a read through the page and enacting at least some of the above.

Adventures With A Raspberry Pi

Adventures With A Raspberry Pi
Building The Raspberry Pi: CanaKit Raspberry Pi 3 B+ Complete Starter Kit
Building The Raspberry Pi: Raspberry Pi Build
Building The Raspberry Pi: Install Operating System
Building The Raspberry Pi: First Run
Building The Raspberry Pi: System Configuration Tool
Building The Raspberry Pi: Enable SSH For Remote Access
Building The Raspberry Pi: Securing the Raspberry Pi
Building The Raspberry Pi: Conclusion
Installing Pi-hole On A Raspberry Pi: What is Pi-hole?
Installing Pi-hole On A Raspberry Pi: Install Pi-hole
Installing Pi-hole On A Raspberry Pi: Change Pi-hole Admin Password
Installing Pi-hole On A Raspberry Pi: Configure Network to use Pi-hole
Using Pi-hole On A Raspberry Pi: Blocked Adverts
Using Pi-hole On A Raspberry Pi: Admin Interface
Using Pi-hole On A Raspberry Pi: Disabling Pi-hole
Using Pi-hole On A Raspberry Pi: Whitelisting a Site
Using Pi-hole On A Raspberry Pi: Update Blocklists
Using Pi-hole On A Raspberry Pi: Maintain Blocklists
Using Pi-hole On A Raspberry Pi: Change DNS Servers
Using Pi-hole On A Raspberry Pi: Connecting With SSH
Using Pi-hole On A Raspberry Pi: Updating the Pi-hole
Using Pi-hole On A Raspberry Pi: Conclusion
What Else Can I Use It For?
Prepare New SD Card For Raspberry Pi OS: Download SD Card Formatter
Prepare New SD Card For Raspberry Pi OS: Install SD Card Formatter
Prepare New SD Card For Raspberry Pi OS: Format SD Card
Prepare New SD Card For Raspberry Pi OS: Download NOOBS
Prepare New SD Card For Raspberry Pi OS: Copy Files To The SD Card
Prepare New SD Card For Raspberry Pi OS: Conclusion
Installing Pi-hole On A Raspberry Pi: Changing the IP Address
Raspberry PI Update Fails
Check Version of OS on Raspberry Pi
How to Update the OS on a Raspberry Pi

Implementing SalesHQ Portal: Conclusion

SalesHQ PortalThis post is part of a series on Implementing SalesHQ Portal, which is one of the GP Elementz Portals from my new employer, ISC Software Solutions.

I realise working for the company who created and sells the Sales HQ portal prevents me from being a neutral reviewer, so I won’t try to offer a conclusion as I have been doing on recent series. Instead I’ll leave you with a quick recap of some salient points:

  • Responsive design which works on desktop, notebook/laptop, tablet and mobile/cell.
  • Portal is hosted on Azure; but no inbound ports need to be opened on your firewall.
  • Salespeople can be assigned multiple customers to look after; customers can be assigned to more than one salesperson.
  • Access for customers to view their account.
  • Salespeople can create prospects or raise quotes/orders/invoices.
  • Free trial connected to your system available so you can try SalesHQ risk free.

Building The Raspberry Pi: Enable SSH For Remote Access

Raspberry PiThis post is part of the series on building my new Raspberry Pi; this series is a sub-series of the Adventures with a Raspberry Pi.

By default the Raspbian Lite ships with SSH disabled; this means the PI can only be accessed with a monitor and keyboard connected.

However, enabling SSH is straightforward. Log into your Raspberry PI and type the following command to launch the Raspberry PI Configuration:

sudo raspi-config

Select Interfacing Options, scroll down and select SSH. Choose Yes to enable SSH and then click OK.

Choose Finish to close the configuration tool. The Raspberry Pi will now be available for SSH access.

Adventures With A Raspberry Pi

Adventures With A Raspberry Pi
Building The Raspberry Pi: CanaKit Raspberry Pi 3 B+ Complete Starter Kit
Building The Raspberry Pi: Raspberry Pi Build
Building The Raspberry Pi: Install Operating System
Building The Raspberry Pi: First Run
Building The Raspberry Pi: System Configuration Tool
Building The Raspberry Pi: Enable SSH For Remote Access
Building The Raspberry Pi: Securing the Raspberry Pi
Building The Raspberry Pi: Conclusion
Installing Pi-hole On A Raspberry Pi: What is Pi-hole?
Installing Pi-hole On A Raspberry Pi: Install Pi-hole
Installing Pi-hole On A Raspberry Pi: Change Pi-hole Admin Password
Installing Pi-hole On A Raspberry Pi: Configure Network to use Pi-hole
Using Pi-hole On A Raspberry Pi: Blocked Adverts
Using Pi-hole On A Raspberry Pi: Admin Interface
Using Pi-hole On A Raspberry Pi: Disabling Pi-hole
Using Pi-hole On A Raspberry Pi: Whitelisting a Site
Using Pi-hole On A Raspberry Pi: Update Blocklists
Using Pi-hole On A Raspberry Pi: Maintain Blocklists
Using Pi-hole On A Raspberry Pi: Change DNS Servers
Using Pi-hole On A Raspberry Pi: Connecting With SSH
Using Pi-hole On A Raspberry Pi: Updating the Pi-hole
Using Pi-hole On A Raspberry Pi: Conclusion
What Else Can I Use It For?
Prepare New SD Card For Raspberry Pi OS: Download SD Card Formatter
Prepare New SD Card For Raspberry Pi OS: Install SD Card Formatter
Prepare New SD Card For Raspberry Pi OS: Format SD Card
Prepare New SD Card For Raspberry Pi OS: Download NOOBS
Prepare New SD Card For Raspberry Pi OS: Copy Files To The SD Card
Prepare New SD Card For Raspberry Pi OS: Conclusion
Installing Pi-hole On A Raspberry Pi: Changing the IP Address
Raspberry PI Update Fails
Check Version of OS on Raspberry Pi
How to Update the OS on a Raspberry Pi

Implementing SalesHQ Portal: Using SalesHQ Portal

SalesHQ PortalThis post is part of a series on Implementing SalesHQ Portal, which is one of the GP Elementz Portals from my new employer, ISC Software Solutions.

Over the course of this series, I’ve taken a look at how SalesHQ is implemented. I thought it would be useful to do a post on actually using SalesHQ, but first a reminder that earlier in the series I did a post on What SalesHQ is and what functionality it contains.

I am going to look at Sales HQ from the perspective of a salesperson who has access to a US territory.

When you visit the SalesHQ portal, you will be presented with the login window; this uses the crdentials entered when the salesperson was created:

SalesHQ Login

Continue reading “Implementing SalesHQ Portal: Using SalesHQ Portal”