Adventures With A Raspberry Pi: Raspberry PI Update Fails

Raspberry PiThis post is part of the Adventures with a Raspberry Pi series. I always intended for this to be a long running series, but it’s been quite a while since I did anything with the Pi. I bought one initially to use as a Pi-hole which I have been using ever since although this usually just goes as far as applying updates or whitelisting a site.

There was recently a pending update which I tried to apply, but the update failed saying that an unsupported OS was detected:

Unsupported OS detected

I was in the middle of other things and I haven’t updated the OS on a Pi before, so I was reluctant to look into doing so then and there. When I was researching the error, I found a thread on the Pi-hole Discourse which discussed the issue. One of the comments included a command for ignoring the check:

PIHOLE_SKIP_OS_CHECK=true sudo -E pihole -up

I decided to go for it and get the Pi-hole updated. Usually when the pihole -up command is run it goes through without any further input required, but using the command above, there was one prompt which needed a response to either retain settings or reverting back to defaults:

Update or retain settings

Overriding the OS version check is risky as there could be an incompatibility which could break things. I opted to take the risk this time and got away with it, but isn’t really something I would recommend.

Adventures With A Raspberry Pi

Adventures With A Raspberry Pi
Building The Raspberry Pi: CanaKit Raspberry Pi 3 B+ Complete Starter Kit
Building The Raspberry Pi: Raspberry Pi Build
Building The Raspberry Pi: Install Operating System
Building The Raspberry Pi: First Run
Building The Raspberry Pi: System Configuration Tool
Building The Raspberry Pi: Enable SSH For Remote Access
Building The Raspberry Pi: Securing the Raspberry Pi
Building The Raspberry Pi: Conclusion
Installing Pi-hole On A Raspberry Pi: What is Pi-hole?
Installing Pi-hole On A Raspberry Pi: Install Pi-hole
Installing Pi-hole On A Raspberry Pi: Change Pi-hole Admin Password
Installing Pi-hole On A Raspberry Pi: Configure Network to use Pi-hole
Using Pi-hole On A Raspberry Pi: Blocked Adverts
Using Pi-hole On A Raspberry Pi: Admin Interface
Using Pi-hole On A Raspberry Pi: Disabling Pi-hole
Using Pi-hole On A Raspberry Pi: Whitelisting a Site
Using Pi-hole On A Raspberry Pi: Update Blocklists
Using Pi-hole On A Raspberry Pi: Maintain Blocklists
Using Pi-hole On A Raspberry Pi: Change DNS Servers
Using Pi-hole On A Raspberry Pi: Connecting With SSH
Using Pi-hole On A Raspberry Pi: Updating the Pi-hole
Using Pi-hole On A Raspberry Pi: Conclusion
What Else Can I Use It For?
Prepare New SD Card For Raspberry Pi OS: Download SD Card Formatter
Prepare New SD Card For Raspberry Pi OS: Install SD Card Formatter
Prepare New SD Card For Raspberry Pi OS: Format SD Card
Prepare New SD Card For Raspberry Pi OS: Download NOOBS
Prepare New SD Card For Raspberry Pi OS: Copy Files To The SD Card
Prepare New SD Card For Raspberry Pi OS: Conclusion
Installing Pi-hole On A Raspberry Pi: Changing the IP Address
Raspberry PI Update Fails
Check Version of OS on Raspberry Pi
How to Update the OS on a Raspberry Pi

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