Upgrade Fails on Item Master (IV00101)

Microsoft Dynamics GPMost Microsoft Dynamics GP upgrades run through quickly ad without issue but every so often one will encounter a problem. I had one of the upgrades which encountered a problem recently with a client we’d taken over the support from a previous partner.

We always recommend that a test upgrade be done on a standalone server before live to identify exactly this sort of issue. We restored all of the databases onto the new server, installed the client and started the upgrade through GP Utilities; it ran through without issue for a few minutes upgrading several companies before popping up an error window showing there was an issue with the Item Master table:

Company Detail window showing overview of error

I selected the line and clicked the Details button to view details of the table:

Table Detail window showing detail of table which had a problem

The returned to the Company Detail window and clicked the Errors/Warnings button:

Table Error Detail window showing details of the error

Unfortunately, all this showed was that there was an error, but no details. Following the recommended action, I enabled logging in the Dex.ini file and ran the upgrade again. When the error popped up again I checked the dex log and found the following error:

Dex log showing exact error

It showed that the Item Master (IV00101) could not be dropped as it was being referenced by a SQL object; I did some exploring in SQL and found this was a table function. I created scripts to drop and recreate the functions. Once the functions had been dropped, the upgrade ran successfully and I was able to then recreate the functions.

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I no longer work with Microsoft Dynamics GP, but the last company I worked for was ISC Software in the UK; if you’re looking for support or consultancy services with Microsoft Dynamics GP you can contact them here.

2 thoughts on “Upgrade Fails on Item Master (IV00101)

  1. Beat Bucher says:

    Hi Ian,
    Do you remember what function was causing the problem ? I’m running into the exact same upgrade issue when going from 18.0.628 to 18.4.1384 on IV00101.. GPU doesn’t let me go further.
    I dropped some 3rd-party triggers from Nodus that I thought could be the problem and disable some other triggers which I felt were non-standard, but it keeps failing. Did a DEXSQL Trace log and the last records were about counting how many records are in IV00101 and this zDP_DU000010SS_1 which returns a strange conversion error : convertIV00101forGP18R3
    This tries obviously to convert a table version from 18.0.728 to 18.3, but that’s not the case here.
    Any hint would be greatly appreciate.

  2. Ian Grieve says:

    Hi Beat,

    In this case it was a custom function specific to only that client.

    I have helped someone with a very similar error recently and it was a standard trigger causing the problem. We disabled the trigger, ran the upgrade and switched it back on again.


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