Enabling Secure Connection for Web Services: Series Index

Microsoft Dynamics GPMicrosoft Dynamics GP 2013 R2 saw the introduction of a new Workflow module which allows the approval of transactions and changes to master records. Each version of Dynamics GP since then has seen additional new functionality introduced.

I have done a fair bit of writing about Workflow since it’s introduction, both in the form of blog posts and also books, but I recently realised that one element I hadn’t written about was the enabling of a secure connection for Web Services.

Web Services for Microsoft Dynamics GP is used by Workflow for Email Notifications and Actions. The default installation of Web Services is suitable for approvals which take place within the Domain, but not for outside. This is because the default installation does not secure the connection to Web Services.

In this series, I am going to cover each of the steps required to change Web Services over to using a secure connection.

Enabling Secure Connection for Web Services
Before You Begin
Update Certificate Binding
Update Bindings
Update Legacy Endpoint
Update Native Endpoint
Update GP Workflow Service
Final Service Configuration
Configure Workflow Setup