Integration Manager is a great tool for getting information into Microsoft DYynamics GP, but it can also be infuriating at times with the error messages it produces when there are problems.
I recently received an error message when trying to integrate some debtors:

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Integration Log
Integration: Debtors (ID: 1)
Action: None
Start Time: 09/10/2014 08:49:37
09/10/2014 08:49:37 Source: IIntegrationEngine_Run, Status Code: 0 Opening source query...
09/10/2014 08:49:38 Source: Microsoft.Dynamics.GP.IntegrationManager.IMProvider, Status Code: 33624151 ERROR: Unable to open source queries because Query 'Debtors' is not found in the database. - ADO Field is nothing.
Unable to open source queries because Query 'Debtors' is not found in the database. - ADO Field is nothing.
ADO Field is nothing.
09/10/2014 08:49:38 Source: FinishIntegration, Status Code: 3 Integration Failed
09/10/2014 08:49:38 Source: FinishIntegration, Status Code: 3 Integration Results
0 documents were read from the source query.
0 documents were attempted:
0 integrated without warnings.
0 integrated with warnings.
0 failed to integrate.
Finish Time: 09/10/2014 08:49:38
Source Total: 0
Successfully Integrated: 0
Integrated With Warning: 0
Failed: 0
Completion Status: Incomplete
Integration Status: No Documents Succeeded
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