The Inside Microsoft Dynamics GP blog started a series of Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 R2 Feature of the day posts the other day. As they did with the Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 Feature of the Day posts they are doing them as short posts containing a PowerPoint slide show. I am translating these from the PowerPoints into posts; you can find my series index here.
The nineteenth Feature of the Day covered is Suggested Item Enhancements – Sales Script and Additional Information. The Suggested item enhancements allows the user to add a sales script to each suggested item. This script will give the salesperson more information about the item.
As you can see in the screenshot the Item Maintenance – Suggest Items window (
) has been updated with a Sales Script field for each item:
Additional information fields to display price and quantity values within the Suggest Sales Item Entry window have been added so the person entering the transaction can see the information they are needing to make sales type decisions. Also visible, at the bottom of thw window is the Sales Script entered in the Item Maintenance – Suggest Items window:
I can see a need to get some custom fields created in Dynamics CRM and some amendments to the Connector for Microsoft Dynamics to transfer this information across.
This feature is targeted at the following roles:
- Sales Manager
- Customer Service Representative
- Customer Service Manager
- Order Processor
Click to show/hide the Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 R2 Feature of the Day Series Index
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