Dexterity Development ‘Unhandled script exception’ on data area

Microsoft Dynamics GPI’ve been doing some work recently on upgrading some Dexterity code to work with Microsoft Dynamics GP 2016 (both the RTM and R2). After compiling the new dictionary, I started Microsoft Dynamics GP and as the home page was loading got the following error:

MIS_AMS_Ext_160.dic - Unhandled script exception: SCRIPTS - data area. EXCEPTION_CLASS_SCRIPT_MISSING


Unhandled script exception:
SCRIPTS - data area


Clicking OK got me a second error:

MIS_AMS_Ext_160.dic - 'Switch Company_WIN_PRE on form Switch Company' 'OK_Click() of form Switch Company', 0


'Switch Company_WIN_PRE on form Switch Company'

'OK_Click() of form Switch Company', 0

This error was somewhat puzzling as there is no code on Switch Company:

Script Editor

I spent a bit of time investigating, and a lot of time cursing, before I established the cause of the problem and fixed it.

I’ve not had time to get properly sorted out with source control of the Dexterity; I am controlling the source, but don’t have it integrated with Dex Utils.

This is the direct cause of my problem; I am currently exporting and importing using text files to get the code into the new dictionaries. It turns out that during the export/import I lost a couple of the script files. Redoing the export and import brought all of the files across and the error went away.

From not having had time to integrate source control with Dexterity, I caused a fairly substantial loss of time, so this is something I need to progress quickly. With the recent addition of a more technical resource into my team, I can delegate this task.

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I no longer work with Microsoft Dynamics GP, but the last company I worked for was ISC Software in the UK; if you’re looking for support or consultancy services with Microsoft Dynamics GP you can contact them here.

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