Hands On With Microsoft Dynamics GP 2015 R2: Create A New Company

Microsoft Dynamics GPMicrosoft Dynamics GP 2015 R2 was released at the end of May. As I mentioned at the time, I was away from home for work and rather busy otherwise so this series of posts has been somewhat delayed.

However, I am now getting my hands on GP 2015 R2 and thought I would do my usual set of posts on the installation of the various components and also the usage of the new functionality. This is going to be quite a long series of posts, so keep checking back regularly.

In this fourth post, I’m going to cover the creation of a new company; in this case I am going to create a company for Perfect Image Ltd. To create a new company, launch GP Utilities from the Home screen by right clicking and doing Run as Administrator. Log in using the sa or DYNSA account:

Welcome to Microsoft Dynamics GP Utilities

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