How To Rewrite A Sub Domain To A Directory In IIS

When I signed up with my current web host the deal was limited to six domains and unlimited websites; a restriction I figured I could live within as a lot of what I intended to do would be in sub-domains and the unlimited websites allowed me to have each sub-domain in an individual website.

However, since I signed up they have, without giving any form of notification, changed the deal so it is now unlimited domains and only six websites. I’m currently in a position that I have five domains and twelve websites without the ability to create another website; the control panel shows me as having 12 of 6 websites. The only positive is that they have not, as yet, required me to trim down the number of websites I have.

I therefore spent a little time yesterday looking for a resolution to this problem.

I need to offer apologies to whomever posted the solution I ended up using; I’ve dabbled with IIS before but I did a lot of searching, and trying of potential solutions, before I got a working one but I accidentally closed the browser and have no idea where the solution originated.

In the root of my website I created a folder called subdomain (not really but making the example generic) and then added the following to the web.config file of the website;

      <rule name="Rewrite sub-domain to dir" enabled="true">
         <match url="^(.*)$" />
            <add input="{HTTP_HOST}" pattern="^subdomain\.domain\.co\.uk$" />
         <action type="Rewrite" url="subdomain/{R:1}" />

When a user visits the returned page is actually loaded from without the user being aware of this and they can navigate around the sub-domain as if it was it’s own self-contained website.

The only downside is if someone knows that subdomain is a sub-folder of domain then they could navigate to, but this can be handled with a little PHP code to redirect these people to a 404 page.

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5 thoughts on “How To Rewrite A Sub Domain To A Directory In IIS

  1. keshav says:

    m trying to rewrite my subdomain like to but when i write ur code to my website , then it show IIS7 error page.

    this error generally come when there is subdomain create via panel.

    m using website panel

    1. Ian Grieve says:

      I’ve only ever done this directly into the web.config file using Notepad++.

      What does the web.config look like once you’ve updated it via the control panel?


  2. Harish Balakrishnan says:

    This works and I was able to see it in action for one subdomain but if I got 2 or more, should I add a new rule each time to this configuration. Adding another block, got both not working. Any suggestion.

    1. Ian Grieve says:

      I do add new ones by adding a whole new rule block.

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